Vanessa awakening | Teen Ink

Vanessa awakening

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

Luis and Vanessa have been dating for ten years since they were both sixteen in the recent years. They have had a capricious relationship with a lot of suffering. In particular, the year of 2021, Luis has been a long time mechanic. He was working on wrapping and building cars in a shop near downtown Houston. Meanwhile Vanessa works as waitress in a restaurant while attending nursing school.
Over the next few months, towards the end of 2021, their relationship quarreled due to not seeing and the couple not being with each other. Vanessa was really upset and unhappy about their relationship problems so therefore, she was determined to go out with her friends to take her mind off her problems. While at the club, she decided to purchase a bucket of beer at the bar for her friends.
While she was at the bar waiting for her bucket, Vanessa stumbles upon this tall, masculine, handsome man who was strangely talking with her cousin Rafael. Vanessa decides to approach them by shaking their hand to greet them politely. After a brief conversation, she runs along back to her friends to to enjoy the rest of her evening. Later that night one she arrives at her house she receives a strange text from an unknown number, and decided to respond. It turns out it’s the guy from the bar monkey.
He asked her, “Would you like to FaceTime?”
She does not think anything of it, so she decided to call him. During the phone call after their long conversation. They both find out they have many things in common he he was making vanessa feel all dreamy and feeling butterfly’s in her stomach. Upon waking up the next morning, she tells her sister Maria everything that happened that previous night.
Maria mentions to Vanessa “I think you like him.”
Despite nothing happening Vanessa feels bad since she’s in a relationship with Luis, but she knows nothing will ever happen between her and monkey.
Maria states “I wish you weren’t such a chicken. Vanessa just go for it!”
Vanessa continues to think about it for a couple of days, so she came to a realization that monkey and Luis are very anthesis from each other. For the next couple of weekends, she goes out, and partied with her friends to avoid thinking about monkey.
Luis begins to notice that she’s never home or pays attention to him so he gets upset. After Luis was finished calming down, Vanessa was forced to move in with Luis, due to her dad having covid. After spending many weekends together, their relationship began to improve. They were watching a movie one Sunday night when Luis knocked out from watching the movie. When Vanessa heard the phone ring, she checked it and saw that Luis had received a text from Lauren.
The next morning Vanessa confronts Luis about Lauren and he doesn’t deny about her. Luis and Vanessa had a long deep conversation about everything, which Vanessa ends up confessing about monkey she’s told him about the phone call. She told him what happened with monkey and how she has feelings towards him. That wasn’t something that Luis was looking forward to. They both argued on fixing their problem and working on the relationship. Two months passed by and everything was going smooth until Luis gets a phone call from Lauren claiming that she’s pregnant. After Luis heard the phone call, his world is overturned against him.
After Vanessa heard the news, she talks to him and decided that she will stay with him. A couple weeks passed by and everything is going good. Then out of nowhere, Luis stopped communicating with Vanessa, because he decided to leave Vanessa for Lauren. This happened all because she carrying his child. Vanessa’s heart was broken into many pieces. It made her really sad that she deserves better and it was a dawdle of time. Vanessa was not as hurt, due to the fact that he left her for his child and not for love. Many months have passed now and Vanessa is doing better focusing on herself and working on herself on becoming a nurse.
One evening she was sitting at home when when she received a phone call from her ex mother in law. Telling her that Lauren had a miscarriage of her baby girl with only being 4 months old. Unfortunately, although this was a shocker and a depressing suctioning that you wouldn’t have wished on anything.
Vanessa states “This baby didn’t deserve it. She was just an angel.” 
Vanessa know deep down inside Luis would try to rekindle with her, but deep inside her she know her worth. It was not worth it to go back to Luis.

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