The Girl in the Cafeteria | Teen Ink

The Girl in the Cafeteria

May 18, 2022
By Anonymous

It was a Wednesday in the cafeteria when he first saw her. He noticed her when she got up from her lunch table to go grab some napkins. The first thing that came to mind was to get her attention, so he whistled. She didn’t notice him at first but when he whistled again he yelled “Hey!” 

She turned around, “Did you just whistle at me?” she asked. 

“I sure did,” he said, “the name is Logan, Logan Whitlock,” he said, smiling up at her. 

“Pleasure,” she said sarcastically.

 “And what is your name?” Logan asked. 

“I don’t think you deserve to know,” she said as she turned to walk away. 

“Wait!” he yelled, “Please, just tell me your name and I will leave you alone.” 

She rolled her eyes, “My name is Johanna Barnes but people call me Jo.” 

He couldn’t get another word in before she turned around and left. He needed to get to know her, he thought, she must have been one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. School had finished for the day so he decided to try and find her on his way to the buses. He was walking through the hallways and before he knew it he saw a brunette girl with big green eyes and a smile that could stop the world from turning, it was Jo. He walked up to her, interrupting a conversation with her friends, “Hey Jo.” 

She turned around realizing who it was so she responded, “Logan.” 

“What are you doing this afternoon?” he asked.

 Jo stared at him for a second before saying, “And why should I tell you what I will be doing?” He had to think of something clever to say,

“So I know if I can invite you to my house, Jo.” 

She chuckled, “I don’t think that is going to happen.” 

“And why is that?” he asked, 

“I don’t even know you Logan,” Jo explained. 

“I can change that,” Logan said confidently. 

Jo didn’t know what to say, no boy has been this forward with her. She saved herself by saying, “Well I have to go, my sister is picking me up, we can talk tomorrow.” 

That could have gone worse, he thought to himself, “I will just have to be extra charming tomorrow,” he said to himself. The next day had come and Logan was excited to see Jo. He saw her as she walked into the lunchroom to get in line for food. This time he decided he was going to wait until she got her food to talk to her. When she started walking towards him he caught her attention by waving at her and motioning for her to come over to him. 

She walked towards him. “Hi, Logan,” Jo said, “Is there something that you want?” 

“I just wanted to know if I could get your number,” said Logan.

 “Wow,” Jo said, “You really are a confident boy aren’t ya.” 

Logan stared at her for a minute before saying, “Well I think that the only way to have a chance with someone as beautiful as you is to be confident.” 

Jo didn’t know what to think or say, should I or should I not go along with this she thought. Finally she went on to say, “Well, Logan, if you want to even have a chance with “someone as beautiful as me” you will have to tone the confidence down a bit.” 

He was kind of stunned, he was positive being this confident would get her. But then again he is an immature boy. 

“Noted,” he said. “So if I tone down the confidence will I be able to get your number?” 

Jo smirked, “We will see Logan,”

She then walked off to her table. All Logan could do was watch her as she walked to go sit with her friends, wishing that he could be the one to talk to her every day. Jo sat down at her table looking at Logan as he turned around looking disappointed. She was confused on what to do, she could give him her number and be making a big mistake or she could not give him her number and he may just be a nice guy going about the wrong ways to get a girl. She started talking to her friends about it. 

¨Logan will not leave me alone and I don’t know what to do’ do I give him my number?¨ 

¨Honestly I don't think he could do much harm, it's not like he has been known to get a girl's number then ghost them,¨ said one of Jo's friends. 

This was true, Jo had never heard anything about this boy, maybe she should give him a chance. It was now the end of the day as she saw Logan coming down the hallway to get to the buses, she stopped him. ¨Logan,¨ she said. 

Logan turned around with a big smile across his face. 

¨Well hello Jo, have you stopped me to give me your number?¨ 

¨I in fact have, I am going to give you my number but only if you are not doing all of this to just play me.¨ 

Logan was grinning from ear to ear, ¨Of course I am not playing you, you are the prettiest girl I have ever seen, why would I screw that up by playing you.¨ She felt a little smile inside, this made her feel a lot better about the whole thing.

¨Well alright Logan, here is my number, I will see you tomorrow.¨ 

Logan shouted, ¨Bye Jo!¨

This was the best day ever he thought, he got Jo´s number. Logan did not waste Jo´s number, he called her every night and Jo answered almost every time. They would talk about all sorts of things, they were getting to know each other. Logan was falling harder and Jo was starting to think of Logan as a close friend. When they saw each other they would say hi and talk if they had the chance. What Logan learned about Jo was that she was a very nervous person, she would worry about everything, Logan on the other hand was the opposite. He was a laid back 16 year old boy that was just making it in school. Jo would share her worries with Logan and every time all he would say was, ¨It´ll be okay Jo.¨She hated when he did that but she also thought, maybe he is right, maybe it will all be okay. One day Jo was at lunch talking with her friends when her mom called her, she was confused because this was an odd time for her mom to call. She walked out of the room answering the call. Logan saw as she walked out wondering where she was going, he decided to go after her. Jo answered the call 

¨Hey mom, why are you calling me?¨

 ¨Hey sweetie, something happened to your father.¨

 Jo´s eyes widened, ¨What?¨ she said urgently.

 ¨Honey your dad got into an accident this morning on his way to work, it was pretty bad.¨

 Jo needed to sit down, she was trying so hard to keep it together in that hallway. Logan was approaching, as soon he saw her he could tell something was wrong. Jo´s mom said she would come and pick her up as soon as she could before they both stopped the call. Logan walked up to her,  ¨Is everything okay, Jo?¨ 

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes, ¨No, my dad was in a bad accident.¨

 She fell apart as soon as she said that. Logan immediately sat down beside her on the stairs putting her arm around her trying to comfort her. He wasn't very good at the comforting thing but he cared so much about Jo he would do anything for her. She cried as she had her head buried in his arm, ¨Logan, I'm scared.¨

 ¨I know I know, it´ll all be okay,¨ he said. 

She at that moment realized that Logan was not somewhere else, he was here, with her, making her feel safe. He really did care for her, this was not just a big game to him. She sat there for a minute before being able to pull herself together to be able to form some words. 

¨Logan why are you here?¨Jo asked with her shaky voice.

Logan made eye contact with her red eyes before saying,¨What do you mean why am I here, you need someone right now. You are in pain so I am here for you.¨

¨Yeah but you could have just stayed in the cafeteria and talked to your friends, but instead you came to see what was wrong with me.¨

Logan was confused why she was all the sudden asking these kinds of questions, I mean does she not already know how much he would do for her, she was his girl, there was no one else for him.

¨Jo, you are important to me, since the day I saw you I fell for you, you are beautiful inside and out. You deserve so much and definitely not something like this to happen to you. The least I can do is sit here on the stairs and comfort you.¨

Jo just stared at Logan, her brain was all over the place right now but for that one second it only focused on him. The way she saw him changed in that moment; he seemed safe, like she only ever wanted to be around him. Within five seconds Jo made an impulsive decision, she kissed him. She leaned over closing her eyes and it happened. Logan's eyes were wide open with surprise but only seconds later he closed them leaning into the kiss. 

¨Jo, what was that?¨ Jo leaned back with a small grin on her face with tears still falling down her cheeks.

¨Logan, since the day we met I always saw you as the annoying boy that liked me, but Logan you are more than that. I realized that you are still the annoying boy, but you are the annoying boy that I love.¨

Logan let out a little chuckle.

¨Are you sure about this, do you actually think of me in that way?¨

¨You are always there for me, you care for me and you are my safe place. I may have not been sure at first but I have never known anyone like you, Logan you are my home. You always tell me it´ll be okay, and it always ends up to be that way. I´m sorry it took me so long to realize this but Logan, I want to be with you.¨

Logan started thinking about all kinds of things, how on earth is this actually happening he thought to himself.

  ¨Jo, you are my girl, I have cared for you since I saw you. I have been patiently waiting for you since we became friends, I can't believe you actually want this to happen now.¨

Jo started to smile, ¨Well what do you think Logan Whitlock?¨

¨Johanna Barnes,¨ all he could do was smile so instead of talking he kissed her.

They both looked back at each other's eyes, both smiling.  The moment was soon ruined by the office coming on the intercom calling Jo to check out, her mom was here. 

Jo looked at Logan, ¨Come with me.¨

Logan was still smiling at her, ¨I would be glad to,¨ he said.

They held each other's hands as they started to walk down the hallway to the front office.

¨Do you think your mom is going to like me?¨ Logan said sounding nervous

Jo looked up at him saying, ¨Oh it´ll all be okay.¨

The author's comments:

I am a freshman in a writing class, I decided to write this story hoping that it would be a good piece.

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