The Difference Between | Teen Ink

The Difference Between

March 11, 2022
By Anonymous

Everyone clapping loudly, confetti in the air, Halle and Fin are the newlyweds in the neighborhood. As the couple walked to their car, sparklers were going off, everyone cheering, bright lights, the smell of fireworks burning in the air. The couple got in the car and Fin could finally take a break. Fin was ready to take a nap for the next 10 years while Halle could keep the party going. Halle looked at her ring and just knew it was going to be a good life with Fin by her side in marriage.

In the years to come, Fin worked hard at his office job all day long. He was happy with his position but he was always looking toward the next promotion he could get. He worked on the 112 floors but he dreamed of getting to the top floor, floor 115. All the important people worked on floor 115, of course. 

Halle of course was always traveling and outdoors while Fin was at work. Halle was typically found doing things like hiking, taking road trips, and mountain jumping. Halle enjoyed the extrovert lifestyle and was always on the hunt for a new adventure to do. You could say she was an adrenaline junkie. 

The couple always had lived a happy marriage and admired their love for each other, despite their differences. Halle honored her ring and so did Fin. There was only one thing they couldn’t seem to be on the same page with; parties. 

After Fin arrived home from work, Halle made dinner and the couple got ready for the big company party. As much as Fin loved his job he did not like parties. Fin knew everyone in attendance at the party yet the setting of the party was not ideal for him. He was already nervous and choking on his words before the party even started. Fin looked at his ring and knew he had to go for Halle. He knew how much she loved parties and Fin loved her just as much. 

Fin and Halle arrived at the party and just as fast as Fin's mind was racing, they were both in the party dancing. Fin was awkwardly dancing, of course, and Halle was the life of the party. Halle was excited she finally got to go to a party since she hadn’t been in a while. The second Halle went dancing with Fin he was gone.

When Fin was little he was bullied for how shy he was. He would always be shoved in a locker, kicked around, and interrogated as he had just committed a federal crime. Growing up Fin had always been insecure about how shy he was yet being bullied about it, it made him even quieter. He never learned to be more social and instead was even more terrified of social events.

Halle walked into the closet down the hall from the dance room and there Fin was on the floor.

“What are you doing here?! We were just dancing! What happened!”

“I can not handle social events anymore! I don't like parties and they stress me out, Halle!! I’m done being here!”

“Well, why didn’t you tell me earlier?! We could have stayed home & done something else!”

Fin paused & looked at his ring, “Well… I… I knew you wanted to come. I know how much you love parties & being around other people & so I wanted to come for you”

“Oh Fin, next time just let me know & we can talk about this”

Fin & Halle both left the party & had a turning point in their marriage. They realized that it's okay to do things for each other but to not try & burn yourself out for the sake of the other person. Fin learned how to speak up for himself & to try & go to Halle to social events. Halle also learned how to listen to Fin’s needs & that it’s okay to chill sometimes. Fin & Halle balanced each other out & went on to have 3 kids & even got a dog! The couple always cherished each other & cherished each other just as much as they cherished their rings. 

The end.

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