Teenage Twist | Teen Ink

Teenage Twist

October 24, 2018
By tabatha_rhymer BRONZE, Sciencehill, Kentucky
tabatha_rhymer BRONZE, Sciencehill, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

        Drenched in mud and sweat, he looked at me and smiled his pearly white smile, “Daredevil in the flesh,” he would call himself with a cute little smirk on his face, showing his captivating dimples. I have never met someone so simple, but complicated at the same time. I love this, as it makes me feel special. However, there has been some days where I wanted to swap him upside the head for being such a smart elic.

I cherish every single moment I get to spend with him, even the terrible ones’ where he seems angry or when I seem despondent. When he hugs me, his chin reaches the top of my head, his arms wrap around my lower back, and his feet lock with mine. Afterwards, he always makes sure to give me a simple kiss on my forehead to remind me he cares for me. When his soft, pink lips kiss mine, I never want them to leave. When he takes his arms back from my waist, I grab them and put my hands on his. I cannot give him up. I love it when I am able to hold him in my arms and smile, pressing my blushed, chubby cheeks against his muscular chest. I know he loves me and always will.

Three Months Ago


On June 5 (which is also my birthday), I went to Tommy’s house to see him and his family, because me being me, he was the only person I wanted to spend time with besides my family. When I walked in, kids out of several different rooms started to storm at me with big smiles and wide, open eyes. Two kids went onto my hips, as the other ones hugged the front of me.

“Happy birthday, Taria,“ they all screamed with excitement. When I saw Tommy walk out of his room, I put the kids down so I could run to him.

“Happy birthday, Taria,“ Tommy happily spoke as I jumped into his arms.

Later on in the day, Tommy’s grandmother told him to take me into his room and keep me there for a couple of minutes. Therefore, he took me into his room and told me that I should just lie down with him because what his grandmother was doing might take more time than she had described.

“So, how was your day? Did you do anything interesting?”  I plainly asked Tommy as I laid down into his strong arms. This was the only thing I truly wanted for my birthday and he knew that. I could have stayed like this all day and it would have been the best birthday ever. However, as soon as I got comfortable, his grandmother opened the door and told me to come out. I nonchalantly walked out of the door, only to see everyone, including my father standing around the kitchen table. This surprised me, only because my father does not really support Tommy and I being in a relationship.

“Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, Dear Taria, Happy birthday to you,”  they all sang to me with devious smiles on their faces, knowing I do not like many people singing to me. As I blew out the candles on my cake, I wished for things to stay the way they were, because the way today was going is what I longed for.

After everyone had their cake, it was time for me to open my presents. I was not expecting anything from anyone. When Tommy’s grandmother pulled out the presents, I started to cry.

“No one that was not family has ever done anything like this before,” I told them.

She then replied,“Oh, sweetie. You are a part of this family and it would be wrong of us to not get you anything for your special day.” I looked at her and smiled as I opened my first present from Tommy. He had gotten me a light blue dress with a card and a necklace. Next came the present from his grandmother. She had gotten me a few select things that I had been wanting. After that, I opened the present from his sisters. Of course, they had gotten me red jolly ranchers, which was my favorite kind.

    An Hour later

“Thank you for today, Tommy. Your family did not have to do this,” I gratefully stated.

“You do not have to thank us for loving you, Taria,” Tommy replied. This was something I was not expecting to come out of Tommy’s mouth. He has never really told me  “I love you” like this. I do not know why, but this made me feel like there actually is a chance for us to stay together this time.

“I would love to stay, babe, but I have to work in the morning. Goodnight, I love you. I will be up here when I get off,” I sighed with disbelief that I had to go so soon.

“Goodnight, I love you too. Sleep good and good luck at work tomorrow.”

    The Next Morning

“ Buzz, Ring, Buzz “.

     “Who would be up this early in the morning calling me?” I thought as I picked up my phone to see who it is and what time it was.“Tommy Handset, 2:31 am,” my phone displayed. I slowly pushed over the lime green button and put the phone to my ear.

“Hello, Taria? This is Tommy’s grandmother. Tommy has gotten into an atv wreck. He is on his way to the hospital now and I think it would be good for him if you are there when he wakes up. I am on my was as well,” Tommy’s grandmother told me.

“Oh my gosh! I am on my way right now,” I practically yelled before I threw my phone down and grabbed my clothes. Tears skimmed down my face as I did my best to get ready to go to the hospital. “How badly could he have gotten hurt?,”  was the only thing rushing through my mind.

       It is now 2:55 am and I’m in the waiting room of guthenville hospital. All the doctors can tell me right now is that he tore ligaments in his left arm, causing him to be sidelined from gripping anything with that arm. Also, there is something terribly wrong with  his heart to where if his heartbeat changes tremendously, he could have a heart attack at only sixteen years old. That is what scares me the most. After about ten minutes, they can now allow me to come in. As soon as I stepped foot into the door, I saw him. I could not see his prepossessing eyes, nor could I see all of the freckles on his face. Tommy’s face is now covered in grass stains and scars. His arms are covered in dried up blood and iv’s. This is not what I imagined when the doctors told me about his condition. I imagined less scars and less blood than what I am seeing now.

“Oh honey!.” Tommy’s grandmother says as she enters the room.

“Mrs. Rosel, I am so sorry that this has happened to Tommy. He does not deserve this,” I say in despair.

          By the time 5:00 rolls around the corner, Tommy slowly starts to wake up. He refuses to stay a night here in the hospital, so he has his grandmother fill the release forms. After all the tests he has to take are over with, we leave the hospital and head home. On the way, Tommy lies in my lap in the backseat, so he can fall asleep. When we pulled into the driveway, I woke Tommy up so that he could go inside and get some sleep in his own bed. I opened my door, got out, and walked around the car to open his door for him, because he could not open it himself.

            “Tommy!” I heard someone scream. It was Latricia, Tommy’s ex girlfriend. This made me furious. How dare she come here after she has treated him so badly.

“Not now, Latricia.” Tommy says as he puts his good arm around the back of my neck. She looks at me with vexation.

“I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am that this has happened to you. You must be going through a lot of pain.” she says.

    “Pain? Pain? he chuckled darkly. Where were you the last time I was experiencing pain, Latricia? You cheated on me and didn’t even stop to think of the people you were hurting.”

“Bu- I,” Latricia tried to butt in and say

“The only time you’ve ever came around is when you wanted something from me! I can honestly say I know why you are here. You are here because of Taria. You are jealous that I am not fixated on you anymore. I have moved on from you and you need to accept that. If you will excuse me, I have to go in my house and get some rest and Taria is going to be the only one that I want to help me with anything. She is always the one that is here for me, so why should I change that now? Goodnight, Latricia..” says Tommy frantically.

          I knew this must be how he really felt. I could tell by the pain and struggle in his voice. He walked into the house before me so he could get ready for the night of tossing and turning. I put my dirty blonde hair into a messy bun and rolled my sleeves up, so that I could do the dishes. Afterwards, I ran my steaming hot dish water in one side of the sink. There was dishes spread through the entire house from the birthday party the night before, so I figured I might as well get them and clean those. I went to go get them and when I turned around, the first thing I lied my eyes on was Tommy kneeling down with a beautifying ring in his hand.

He then stated, “Taria Rhyin, you are so stunning. For the past year I have been so lucky to have you in my everyday life. We go through good days and bad days together. I could not imagine my life with you out of it. I have gotten so used to you that I would have a hard time getting through each day without you by my side. I would love to have you in my life for every moment I am breathing. Will you do the honors of being my wife?”


        My knees instantly hit the floor. It took me several minutes to realize that he was actually here, that this was actually happening.

“Yes, Yes!”  I cried excitedly. I picked myself up, ran to him, and threw my shaking arms around his neck and kissed his lips. I kissed the lips that I’ll be kissing every single day for the rest of my life. I looked into the eyes that I’ll see every morning when we wake up beside each other in bed. Most importantly, the smile, the smile that I so graciously love was now caused by me. It was caused by something I did. I said yes to spending my life with the person I love. One day, sometime soon, I’ll be Mrs.Taria Handset.

The author's comments:

This short story is about a couple who falls in love reguardless of the obstacles that they go through.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 30 2018 at 7:25 am
crystal_love BRONZE, Brisbane, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"When times are hard, cry, live awaken and start over. Clean the slate and rethink your past and start fresh. Then you have become better then you were before."

This is a really good story. Great job!