Realistic fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Realistic Fiction

Most recently submitted Realistic Fiction

By Anonymous

The monster entered my life during what was supposed to be the best year of my life. I looked forward to enter Swampscott High ever since fifth grade. I always imagined my freshman...

By SerenityMine BRONZE
Not Saying, California
SerenityMine BRONZE, Not Saying, California
2 articles 0 photos 156 comments
By Anonymous
bluesushiface25 SILVER, Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The words "no" and "not really" are not the same."

By Josifer Cooke SILVER
Lurington, Michigan
Josifer Cooke SILVER, Lurington, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments
LawRawrBelle SILVER, Sherwood, Arkansas
6 articles 9 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
My makers made one mistake in a perfect me, they gave me my own mind.

nordgirl GOLD, Turlock, California
10 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people. Others have no imagination whatsoever.

Sugee Liyanage BRONZE, Mississauga, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
By deardiary BRONZE
Saskatoon, Other
deardiary BRONZE, Saskatoon, Other
3 articles 0 photos 65 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is a truth universally acknowedged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. -Pride and Prejudice