Looking Out | Teen Ink

Looking Out

April 4, 2016
By Maayan SILVER, Bronx, NY, New York
Maayan SILVER, Bronx, NY, New York
5 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Leora’s whole family lay huddled on the couch. I imagine every family was in the same position silently watching. Leora lay fraught with the same terror and excitement that infected every single person in the world at that moment. As I began to execute my plan, I could feel eyes glued to my every move. Inside my hands trembled and my face was flushed with nervous anticipation, but I put on a reassuringly stoic face as if I wasn't about to single handedly change the world. Leora’s brother stood to go to the bathroom and both her fathers halfheartedly whispered “sh..” without removing their eyes from the screen. My voice rang from the TV. Leora soaked in every word coming from my mouth. This was the first time in recent history that a political event received more views than the super bowl. The numbers were off the charts. Leora wondered for the millionth time how President Roslyn had been elected with such bold plans. The answer, of course, was simple. I had not shared my intentions. I ran on a campaign completely irrelevant to my goals. Some may say this is lying, but I like to look at it as...well...I guess it was lying. But Leora, along with most of the nation, was more amazed than angry.
“Today we honor every life stolen with weapons through a courageous executive act. As commander in chief of the army, I see no grounds for questioning my power to execute this morally courageous act. Today we place our trust in humanity. We hope you prove it to be well-founded. We, the United States of America, under my leadership as President Roslyn will today destroy every weapon that puts us ahead. We will destroy all ammunition our nation could use to attack and murder those of another nation. Too often the hawk will attack the dove, but we hope today our olive branch will be accepted and other countries will follow our lead.”
The conflicting combination of cheers and boos erupting from the crowd drowned out Leora’s brother’s incessant pleas for a snack. Leora rolled her eyes each time until she finally yelled at him to please shut up. The moment was coming and no one would dare to miss it. Leora’s family all leaned in closer, ignoring the fathers’ previous warnings against sitting too close to the TV. They willed their eyes not to blink, eager to catch every second. I tried to mimic their actions, willing myself to stay strong and tall without backing down and letting my fear show. I had to sound strong and sure or else no one would believe in me. I was President Roslyn and I had the right to be doing this. I had the right to save the world from itself. Finally, I began the count. Leora listened to my voice echo from the TV.
I could hear the whole world shaking with a spectrum of decisive approval to overwhelming terror.
I myself shook with the same loaded sentiment.
There was no turning back. What was done was done.
I told myself to keep in mind that if destruction was inevitable and imminent, it had already been that fateful night in June when I decided. It had been that night that the destruction had truly began. This was only execution of a plan.
That still didn't change the fact that every count brought the moment closer.
I had always led a proud life unafraid of judgement and sure I would someday change the world, but it suddenly became a meaningful fact that I literally had every person’s life in my hands. If anything happened it would solely be my fault. It’s not that I hadn't thought of that before. Just that the idea had never felt real. Now it felt even less real, making me realize I was even more dangerous.
Actions justified with good intention are almost always mistakes.
I felt my weight grow heavy.
I thought, selfishly, “I really need to sit and drink something.”
Did I actually just forget how to count or am I delaying?
Leora waited a moment and then looked around. She had expected explosions, or some sign of the whole process. But the world seemed coated with a restrained hush, as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for the same thing. With the “1,” the TV camera had switched its vantage point to no longer show me, but rather the flames of weapons going up in fire. The flames burned strange colors, but Leora could not hear a sound. The explosion was miles away, only just visible from the camera, but for me and those watching me speak, the sound was still all consuming so volume had been turned off for those watching on TV. Everyone silently wondered, how would the world react?

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