100 broken pieces | Teen Ink

100 broken pieces

December 18, 2014
By Gabriella Rice SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Gabriella Rice SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are the only ones who care. I am the only one who does not know. 100 broken pieces went flying with aching pain. 100 broken pieces who feel like they don’t belong here. 100 excuses stated just to leave. From the house you can hear the car engine roar.
Phone calls Ring, Ring, Ring. Friends open the door. Bottles open with cheers of joy. They feel like there on a roller coaster that keeps going up, up, up, but eventually it will come down. They hear Sirens shouting throughout the valley. I ran to my car and start it up and zoom off. Lines move on the road left and right. Headlights blind me in the night.

The car sways back and forth. The car crashes and smashes. 100 broken pieces went flying through the air. The car and I hit the cold wet concrete. Sirens screaming through the city. The phone rings, rings, rings. The silent tears stream down faces.


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