Christ is My Savior | Teen Ink

Christ is My Savior

May 16, 2014
By Balkeyk903 SILVER, Lewisville, Texas
Balkeyk903 SILVER, Lewisville, Texas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game"

I am a Christian, and I'm not afraid not say it. I can be the biggest hypocrite you know. I backslide and I stumble. I fall, I stray onto the wrong path. God is working in me, and I might be a mess, but I'm his mess, He is slowly straightening me out. The day will come when I will be by his side, his work in me completed. Until, that day I will take his hand and let him do in me whatever he needs to do. No matter how painful it will be for me. When it is finished, it will all be worth the wait. When I say " I'm a Christian " I will not shout " I'm clean livin." I'm whispering " I was lost" and now I'm found and forgiven. I stumble and need Christ to be my guide. You can change the world just by your smile, just don't let the world change you.

We all chase after fame, money, success, girls or boys,and cars. but all of that just keeps you wanting more and you will never be truly satisfied. Jesus is the only one that can truly satisfy you. Which none of those worldly things compare to the joy found in Jesus. Imagine how many lives would be changed if you shared The Gospel with the people around you in this world. You would have a bigger impact on their lives than you already do now. Why do people sleep through church, but stay awake for a 2 or 3 hour movie? Why is it hard to pray, but easy to cuss? Why is it hard to repost a Godly picture, but so easy to post a mean one. Why do people say they want to be like that person and they worship them, but not God. The Lord says, "If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of your father."

Don't get me wrong that I'm saying why on so many questions I'm not trying to make someone feel bad because I'm guilty as well I'm just trying to make a point. My life belongs to God all of the things I have and the things I will have in my future. Life here on earth is just my temporary home. My home is really waiting for me in heaven as my father is is waiting with open arms. God will never fail you and He will never abandon you. He is always going to be there for you no matter what. It says it in the bible so why is it so hard for us to believe that he will always be there for us. We focus life on our own life and don't let God really truly guide us down the right path that he wants us to go down. I'm not perfect. Just because I mess up sometimes doesn't mean I'm fake. There's no such thing as a perfect Christian.

When you are a Christian you need to have two or three Godly relationships in your life. Godly relationships are the people that you talk with about and learn about Jesus. The people build you up with positive words not negative words. The people you would like to be become like that will always be there for you. If you have one than that is better than none but don't assume that I'm telling you go break off all the relationships that you have that are not a Christian. That is not what God wants you to do he wants you build relationship and bring them to God when you both are ready.

When people say you can't prove God’s existence. I say that no one can not say the presence of God doesn't existence. I know I see God in everything I do in life, I feel the presence of God everywhere. When you know God is for you, then you know that it doesn't matter who is against you. I can't tell you what to believe, but I can tell you what I believe and what God has done in my life. God has changed my life because if God isn't in existence, how come when something bad happened to me it ended up changing me for the better.I believe God put me there because he knew I could handle it and I could spread what God has done in my life. My life changed for the better I got adopted and my life was turned from upside down to the right side.

People wonder why bad things happen to us, and don't know the answer to that. I know that whatever happens that is hard for us, and I know it will turn out for the better some how. I didn't understand why my cousin passing away was going to turn out for the better. Now I understand that God did that to bring me closer to him. For me to truly see that I need to live my life and be thankful for what I have, since it could be all fine in a blink of an eye. I tried getting over my past not by going to God when I should have but by shutting people out and pushing them away. As for I hurt some people on the way which I wish I could take back but that is all suppose to be a lesson I go through.

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