Should have said no. | Teen Ink

Should have said no.

April 4, 2014
By nic232323 SILVER, Spotsylvania, Virginia
nic232323 SILVER, Spotsylvania, Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The only person you are destined to become, is the person you decide to be - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Most people would say that I have a good life, I disagree. I'm not happy, my friends are fake, and my family knows nothing about me. I suffer from depression and I spend my time on the streets.

Last Tuesday:
I got a C on a test and my parents called me a disgrace, so I go to my basement and leave through the door down there. I walk to the back of my neighborhood where the guys usually are. My friend looks at me and asks, "What's up?" I give my normal answer of nothing and he says, "Don't lie to me." I tell him what happened and he tells me that some weed would help me to get my mind off of things. I take some and I smoke it in the woods near my house. This is when things start going downhill. I stay in the woods until I start to feel the high wear off then I go back to my house. As soon as I’m in the door my parents are on my case. “Where’d you go? What were you doing? You know I don’t like you hanging out there,” they say. I just brush it off and go to my room.

A couple days after that:

My mom was doing laundry and I guess she smelled the smoke on my clothes so she came into my room and questioned me. I denied smoking anything, but I can tell she doesn’t believe me. She tells me that if she catches me smoking again that there will be consequences.

A day after that:

This was on Sunday. I walk downstairs when I wake up (about 11am since we don’t go to church) and I find my parents sitting there. They tell me that they’re making me take a drug test. I say no that I won’t do it, so they reply, “We’ll call the police if you don’t”. I take it and I fail. They tell me that they’re disappointed in me, and that just makes me feel worse. I can tell that they don’t believe and trust me anymore. I wish I had just said no to my friend, if I had this never would have happened. Mom and Dad, I’m sorry.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by my friend that was caught with cigarettes and his parents never let him out of their sight, pretty much.

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