Journey to death | Teen Ink

Journey to death

November 7, 2013
By CharlotteStuart BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
CharlotteStuart BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live life while you can, because one day you'll become a memory.

What is happening to me? My body seems as light as a feather but as heavy as a ton of bricks. My vision has gone all blurry and I can only see a light, it’s as though the sun is right in front of me burn through my pupils, the brightness almost blinding to look at.

As the brightness fades I look upon an operation table, but how can this be? I’m looking at no one other than myself! Why is there no pulse on the life support machine? Could this be? Is this even possible? Am I actually dead?

Suddenly the image fades, now I’m in a long dark hallway with nothing behind me except a wall. There is no escape; the only way I can go is forward! The light I saw before its right at the end of the passage way burning as bright as ever! Except this time it’s coming closer and closer and closer until all of a sudden it’s so close that I can see something, there gates, they are enchanting to look at! I just want to go closer! I can’t take my eyes off them! I think there’s someone there! On the other side! I can’t make out a face but it is a figure of a tall man.

I walk forward to see his face, I am almost there until *BANG* a shock of reality was electrocuted back into me; it sent shivers down my spine as all of a sudden I re-entered my body. Was this all a dream or was I just on a journey to the end of my life?

The author's comments:
The idea for this came when I was doing a class where we approached the subject "what actually happens when we die" and this is what some people go through called 'Near Death Experiences.' So this is a near death experience.

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