Pieces of a Puzzle | Teen Ink

Pieces of a Puzzle

February 24, 2013
By Chocoxlove BRONZE, BROOKLYN, New York
Chocoxlove BRONZE, BROOKLYN, New York
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Favorite Quote:
The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.

Emerging out into the sun, I felt a light cool breeze crawl up my skin towards my hair. The first thing that caught my eyes after I stepped out of the locker room were various shades of color that circled around the outer perimeter of the pool. From where I stood, the whole area seemingly stretched a 50 meter distance. Shifting my head from right to left, the scenery slowly and gradually fell into my line of sight. Representing numerous tones of deep amber and red brown, the stone brick walls stood like barriers. Dozens of white, wooden benches were aligned against them. Taking a closer look, bottles of SPF 15 sunscreen and goggles of different shapes and sizes were scattered or placed neatly on the benches. The towels, however, were the most eye-catching of all. They were tinted in navy blue, light pink, green, turquoise, dull yellow, lavender, white, bright orange, and every other color one could possibly think of. Some just had a solid color while others contained the striped sunset of red, orange, yellow, and brown or the rich dark blue of delphinium. Still, others comprised of flowers, sea animals, palm trees, cars, and cartoon characters from Disney. Nevertheless, each towel carried a plain or intricate design that expressed its own uniqueness. Peering down, my towel was a light pink with no apparent pattern to it. Rather, it felt special as it gave off that fresh out of the laundry smell. Soft and warm, it reminded me of a little puppy.
Beneath the bare sole of my foot, the concrete surface felt rough and uneven. Gazing down, the ground was a pale copper brown where a short shadow was casted upon it. Beside my foot was a small puddle that was probably left behind when someone came out of the water. Looking up, I noticed multiple tall lamp posts standing equal distances apart around the pool. Draping around their black painted surfaces were red and white striped American flags with white stars on a navy blue background. In the center of it all, the pool was a sheet of blue ice. From a distance, I could almost imagine descending into the depths of the water, feeling like fire and ice had collided. Staring at the surface, I could feel the mildly moving currents embracing and devouring me like a big blue monster. The chatter and laughter of old and young alike made me realize the presence of people around me. Happy, youthful children smiled and ran around in all directions. Their joy and innocence gave off a warm and welcoming feeling. Stress and worries disappeared into thin air as adults chatted with friends and family. The entire scene was like a beautifully and naturally painted masterpiece in which all aspects of it came to life. Fitting together perfectly, each part was like the pieces of a puzzle.

The author's comments:
This is a descriptive essay I had to write for my 9th grade writing class. It describes a real place, but some of the details are made up. I hope people like it.

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