Cedar point | Teen Ink

Cedar point

October 24, 2023
By MorganBart05 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
MorganBart05 BRONZE, Royal Oak, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When the morning had slowly passed by between streets and lights, I had my first dream come true following the smooth, dark, paved road and the sun’s reflection on the silver highway. 

Up ahead, was a brisk feeling, 

Feeling of refreshing water and tangy salt

You could hear the waves crashing up against the million dollar sand and then going back like a pendulum, back and forth, back and forth. 

We were deep in thought by then, just waiting until I heard the screams of the excited people. 

I begged my dad to hang onto me tightly and to never let me go no matter what happened

“ Dad please hold my hand”. By then the tears streamed like a waterfall rushing down the river.

And I reached. Our hands connected, and we enjoyed the moment we had together. 

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