Not Just A Pet | Teen Ink

Not Just A Pet

September 6, 2023
By Arielrodr58 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Arielrodr58 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Olivia just graduated high school 2 years ago and is now 20 years old. She is very athletic and is well prepared for what the service will bring to her. She has been training and preparing for this her mom was telling the military recruiter. Olivia has a 15-year-old little sister that she loves and takes care of. They have always shared a close bond. When Olivia told her sister Gabby about the plans she made for her future Gabby was proud but Devastated. Gabby knew she would be leaving soon but with no hesitation, Gabby said, “Please be safe”. Oliva left for boot camp on March 13, 2013, she would only speak to her family when they had phone time. Olivia soon graduated from boot camp on June 20, 2013, during the Endless War.

Chapter 1
Olivia went straight into war training as a military dog handler. When Olivia started training with a special K-9 named Lily whose job was to sniff out harmful weapons accepted Olivia as her handler. Olivia and Lily had created a close bond that none of the other handlers had with their K-9 Lily connected so well with Olivia she would make sure Olivia was always safe. Olivia and her K-9 Lily were sent to help in the Endless War. Olivia and Lily were guiding the rest of the soldiers when Lily suddenly stopped and tried to warn them that trouble was ahead, but they didn't seem to listen as they proceeded with their mission when bombs suddenly went off. With all the smoke and fog Olivia couldn’t see anything and was shot 5 times.

Serving her country Olivia passed away on August 9th, 2013. The captain had taken Lily to Olivia’s funeral not knowing how Lily would act when they arrived during the service Lily ran up to her coffin, sniffed it, and lay next to her whimpering. Once the service was over the captain had spoken to Olivia’s family and told them what a brave and empowering woman she was Lily had seen Gabby and stood next to her calmly. The captain had asked, “Who are you”?  Gabby responded “Olivia’s little sister,” she told him. When it was time for Lily and the captain to leave Lily became very aggressive and started biting. The captain had asked Gabby if she could help bring Lily to the car to make it easier. When the car was leaving Gabby saw the devastating look in Lily's eyes. 

Chapter 2

Two weeks later the captain reached out to Olivia’s family and said, “ Hello, This is Captain Isaac. I was Olivia’s and Lily's leader. I wanted to inform you that Lily is no longer military material and is in big danger of being put down. She can't seem to work with other dogs and becomes very violent when we come near her.” Not knowing what to do Olivia's family went to see Lily once Lily laid eyes on Gabby she seemed to be calm. Even though Olivia’s family was scared to take in Lily they knew Olivia would have wanted them to take care of her best friend and family. Gabby trusted Lily because she knew her sister loved Lily so Gabby also wanted to build a close bond with Lily even though they were both hurting. Gabby thought maybe they could help each other.

Gabby and her parents started to get closer to Lily day by day and understood why Olivia loved her. Lily seemed to be more excited when she was with the family even though Lily had some violence in her the family understood that Lily just wanted to protect Olivia and felt like she failed Olivia by letting her get shot. Gabby had created an extremely close bond with Lily; she thought in a way she had her sister back. She would never leave Lily alone and would always take care of Lily and would even take Lily out with her and her friends. Lily felt at home again with Olivia’s family even though she knew no one could replace her handler she was happy to have a family.

Olivia’s family finally welcomed Lily into the family with excitement Lily felt at home she was no longer doubting herself for the mistake that happened to Olivia. Gabby ensured everyone knew that Lily wasn’t just a dog but a sister. Everything had changed after Olivia passed but the family and Lily all benefited from the changes Lily found a home. Even though no one could understand why Gabby was so close to Lily they both knew they found a piece of Olivia in each other and that excitement and happiness couldn’t be taken away from them. 

The author's comments:

This piece is about a military dog handler who passes away and the dog couldn't find happiness's until she meets the girls family.

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