Kindness | Teen Ink


May 30, 2023
By Anonymous

It was the dead of winter in Wisconsin, nobody wanted to be awake as it was nearing 7:00 am, yet still dark out. Thoughts of spring and summer consumed my mind. I wish I was home in my bed right now. 

As I dragged myself towards school, my eyes caught a man inside a car dropping off a boy at the front of the school. The car stood sleek and shiny despite all the snow we’ve had recently. My distorted reflection in the doors made me wonder where he goes to get it washed and if he takes it often. The black Range Rover drew me to see him peering towards me and onward near the exit of the drop off area. His face was slender and covered in dark hair that lined his jaw. Brown, curly hair was swooped over and placed neatly atop his head. His eyes were bright and aware, but I could not specify the color as I was not nearly close enough. His nose was placed perfectly symmetrical to his eyebrows- like a picturesque Monarch Butterfly. A smile grew across his face and I smiled back in return.

I continued walking to the doors near the school and I heard his car take off. “Vroom!” The engine purred as the car descended into the bone chilling, crisp morning air. I opened the door and held it for the next person as the stranger who smiled at me, made me want to be kind to the next person I see. As I walked through each set of the big glass doors, I thought to myself, I hope they carry the kindness onto the next person.

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