Left Hanging | Teen Ink

Left Hanging

November 7, 2022
By Anonymous

“I’ve always been like this; You’re just seeing it for the first time.”


“Seeing what? What are you talking about?”


“You’re really just going to make me say it aren’t you? The thing is… I have had really bad depression my whole life. What’s the point of eating? Going to school? Making friends? If I know I’m worthless.”

I saw a sheet of paper hung on the bulletin board the next day as the bell rang at 9:32

Get Out. Two words repeated six times a line streaking down the page in loopy black ink cursive


What is this? I'm confused.


Anyway, did they forget to wake up on time again?


I rush out of the classroom, past the students gossiping with their friends, and out the building as I race through the red carnation petals fluttering through the air, running along the suspended wires hooked to wooden poles on the street


The hot sun sends pricks into my skin, as I sprint to go wake them up. A grandfather clock chimes at 9:37, as workers remove the color out of the dumps.

I can’t believe I’m doing this. Waking them up in their house, isn’t this what a lover would do?


Wake up I said, knocking on the bedroom door


No one answers.


It’s better not to leave them hanging I suppose.


Doesn’t this seem like a violation of one’s space?


There’s no choice for me


I gently push open the door


What the hell?


This has to be a nightmare


Dripping red nail polish, a light blue jacket, and the yellowish hue of entangled fiber swaying from the ceiling fan

The author's comments:

This piece is based on a ddlc (which is a dating simulator I did a 4 hour playthrough of) plot, which I changed into a short story. The literary concept I used was a first person type of interpretive writing, a sort of allegory, along with a bit of foreshadowing throughout the story. Multiple synonyms for "hanged" are used, leading to the eventual conclusion that the person hanged themselves. The use of "they" rather than gendered pronouns indicates that it is an experience that can happen to anyone, it leaves room for the reader to fit people in their lives into this "template". 

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