Ignite | Teen Ink


September 20, 2022
By Anonymous

The 2022-2023 school year has started for Jalen, who is now a junior and has now been put on the varsity basketball team. Today is the first day of practice and I am dedicated to getting a starting spot on the team, only problem is Cole, he is the best player on the basketball team he already has a ton of offers from colleges, he is the coach’s favorite. How in any way am I going to be able to perform better then Cole? First day of practice went good for me but not good enough to impress my coaches. Today we are doing scrimmages I’m nervous but also excited to show my skill. The coach split us into two teams I was on the red team and Cole was on the blue team all I needed to do was show that I’m a better player than him. Game started it was whatever team scored 25 points first wins, we won the tipoff are point guard was bringing the ball up the court and he passed it to me, Cole was playing defense on me he was pretty good at defense but even better at offense, he was also known for trash talking and that is what he started doing the moment the ball was in my hands. He was trying to get in my head, and I would not let him, until he said you will never take my spot, and told me the bench is where I belonged, once he said that he ignited a fire in me that could not be put out, I dribbled the ball past him went for a layup and scored from then on every time the ball was in my hands I scored or got an assist but even then the game was still close, we had to score one more time to win the game so I dribbled the ball up the court Cole was saying whatever he could to intimidate me but it didn’t work, I pulled up at the 3 point line, with no hesitation I let the ball fly out of my hands, it felt like forever before the ball finally reached the basket but once it did it went right in. I stood there for a moment shocked by what I just did because even though this was just a team scrimmage game it still meant a lot to me. The next day of practice was great for me I had continued to show off my skills, but Cole was becoming jealous he had come to me and told me that yesterday meant nothing and I still wasn’t good enough, I just laughed and said we shall see. One week has gone by are first game is in 2 days are coach will be announcing who the starters are soon I am feeling confident that I will start because the coaches have really noticed me and my love for basketball. A little later the starters had been announced and I am happy to say that I will be the starting shooting guard on my varsity basketball team. Cole was not too happy about this bud I didn’t care I had worked hard for this and now it was time to show everybody my skill and my love for basketball.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story because of my love for basketball, and I also hope that this story can help people understand that if you work hard you can be great.

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