The Better Outcome | Teen Ink

The Better Outcome

September 12, 2022
By Anonymous

The Better Outcome.

“Stop it already” Alexander yelled at his parents, because once again they were fighting, making Alexander stressed. Alexander has been having to deal with his parents disputing with each other all summer long. It has gotten to the point where he would rather be anywhere else but home. He was so used to them being like this it didn’t even phase him at times. 

Alexander was in his room one day and started thinking to himself, “school is about to start soon”, which meant summer was coming to an end. That made Alexander very content because it got him away from his parents and their non-stop bickering. It was about a week away from the first day of school and Alexander was eager to start. “I can’t wait to start school already so I can finally be at peace, at least for a while”, Alexander said to himself.

 The day Alexander has been waiting for all summer long has finally arrived and he says “It’s felt like I've waited years for this moment to come”. It’s the first day of school and Alexander is ready to go. “Mom, I'm ready!” he says. “Mom, where are you?” Alexander can’t seem to find his mom. He is getting a little anxious. All of a sudden Alexander hears his mom and dad at it again. Now Alexander is stressed going into school with all this negativity instead of being thrilled about it being his first day. Alexander keeps his head up and tries to enjoy his first day of school. 

He came back home from school with a big smile on his face and told his parents how great his first day went, because of that they had shared a good little moment together as a family instead of arguing. Alexander was delighted.

 After a couple of days of peace and quiet around the house the cycle started all over again as if nothing good ever happened. Mom and dad argue every day and the only way Alexander could get an escape from all of their nonsense is by going to school, which is why he loved going to school. All of a sudden Alexander meets these two nice girls, Marie and Joanna. Alexander decides to go up and talk to Marie and Joanna, he asks them if they would like to become friends and they both say “yes!”. 

Throughout a couple of weeks of Alexander, Marie and Joanna being friends they become super close and realize they all have so much in common with each other. Alexander is super enthusiastic about this new friendship and can’t express how happy he is to have found new friends like Marie and Joanna.

 Some time goes by at home and Alexander realizes that his two new best friends, Marie and Joanna have made his living situation at home a lot better. Alexander now has his two best friends to always be able to turn to when he is having a bad day or a hard time at home due to his parents. Anytime Alexander's mom and dad start fighting again all Alexander has to do is pick up the phone and call one of his best friends, Marie or Joanna.

 Marie and Joanna will always be there for Alexander and anything he is going through. No matter what it is, his parents, school or anything personal they will both always be there for Alexander, and Alexander will always be there for them like the great friend he is because he has grown to love Marie and Joanna so much that he would never want to lose them.

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