Asleep | Teen Ink


June 29, 2022
By Anonymous

Greg was suddenly tangled in plastic wrapping while he chased his roommates around their dorm. He gasps for air as he hits the ground face first.


He turns around, now seeing clearly that his roommates, Ethan and Hayden, had put plastic wrapping over all the doors of the house. Instead of being mad, Greg and his friends laugh it off. Today was just a casual day for Greg.

Crap, we’re late for our Economics class,” Greg looks at his phone.

They grab their bags off the dirty couch and hop on their bikes, racing one another around the campus. Hayden abruptly swerves; he almost crashed into a stop sign. 

“You could’ve died, man. Too bad you didn’t.”

As they laugh, they walk up the stairs to their class, where their professor was conducting his lecture.

“Gentleman, you’re late.” The professor remarks with a stern face.

He was easily ignored - the group shrugs and leans back in their chairs, raising their legs above the rows below.

Not long after, snoring can be heard at the back of the lecture hall.

“Greg, you cannot be sleeping in my class.” The professor announces, loud enough for everyone to hear.

“In my defense, maybe if you were a little bit more interesting, we all wouldn’t be so bored.” 

Inevitably, the whole class breaks into laughter. In triumph, Greg and his friends ditch the class. 

The group bikes back to their dorm room, tired after concluding their antics. They decide to take a quick break before leaving for the frat party nearby. 

“Wake me up in a few hours guys, I’ll be taking a power nap,” Greg instructed his friends, who were playing Call of Duty.

“Alright, good night, princess.” Hayden taunts Greg - kissing him on the forehead, and immediately receiving a punch to the jaw.

A few hours pass by, and Greg is still sound asleep. His feet dangle over the couch armrest and his head rests sideways, almost twisted.

“Psst, we should prank Greg. He’s a heavy sleeper.”

He turns to face Hayden, only to notice that Hayden is gone from his seat on the couch. He looks over to Hayden, who is going into the kitchen. 

“Where are you going?” 

Sometime later, Hayden arrives in the room, with a bag of chips. He gently places it on Greg’s head, making sure to not make a sound. Ethan knew what he was planning.

“You’re brilliant,” Ethan pointed at him, with his eyes wide in astonishment.

Hayden leaves the room again, but this time he comes back with a stack of plates. He slowly balances the plates above Greg’s body. Ethan follows quickly behind and finds a nightstand from the bedroom.

“No way, you’re a madman.” Hayden was worried that Greg would wake up.

Ethan slides the nightstand over Greg’s legs. As he lets go, the nightstand tilts to the left due to Greg’s weight on the couch, almost falling on top of him. Luckily, Ethan catches the nightstand, just inches away from Greg’s head.

“Watch out, that nightstand could kill somebody, especially with those sharp edges.”

As Greg lies still, Ethan adjusts the nightstand between his two feet.

“Your turn.” Ethan was confident that he was going to win.

Hayden jumps onto the couch and sits on the nightstand, causing the springs to bounce Greg’s body up. Hayden flinches, afraid that he is going to lose the game. 

This time, Ethan doesn’t react. Hayden turns, hoping to see Ethan holding back his laughter, only to see the concern in his eyes.

“Dude, I don’t think he’s waking up, we should check on him.”

“Yeah, because that's the responsible thing to do.” Hayden air quotes with both of his hands.

“Seriously, he’s not waking up.” Ethan nudges Greg in the shoulder.

No answer.

“This must be him pranking us back.” Hayden anxiously states, hoping he is correct.

They both proceed to slap him in the face.

Still no answer.

Eventually, they push him off of the couch, hoping that he would wake up from the fall.

Still. No. Answer.

Ethan measures his pulse, only to find no beat, except for the band playing next door.

That’s when they realize: their friend is dead.

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