High School | Teen Ink

High School

May 18, 2022
By Anonymous

High school

So It all began one year ago. It was August 24, 2020, and I was 14 years old. It was my first day ever in high school. I was super nervous to go because I didn't know anyone really other than my grade and I was scared to get lost. To me now, it's like my first day of high school was yesterday. Freshman year wasn't it. It honestly sucked. COVID was still super bad and people went on different days according to last names. So it was super weird and you had to wear masks, had to spread out, and classes were small. I went online halfway because I saw no point in going and a lot of people went online as well.

Now, I'm 16 years old and a sophomore at Greenwood High School. I went to school this year because COVID wasn't as bad and everything is basically back to normal. The school year is almost over and it's crazy. I remember the first day of sophomore year and it feels like it was just a few weeks ago.  I'm going to be a junior next year and I can't believe it.  When my parents told me “high school goes by fast, have fun and enjoy it” I always thought that was so weird and never understood it until now. “Enjoy what?” I would think and I would also think “I don't like school. There's nothing to enjoy.” 

But, now I see. School annoys me; it really does, but deep down I really do like school. I love seeing my friends, etc. School helps teens, kids, etc with a social life. It plays a really big part.  I've made so many new friends and lost some in high school my sophomore year. I love the senior class and I have made a lot of them some of my best friends and it's really sad knowing they are leaving in 9 weeks. Sophomore year isn't over yet but it's definitely going to be one of my favorite years in high school when I graduate. 

Also, I'm so happy and grateful COVID things have calmed down. Freshman year sucked so much because it wasn't normal and it really made me upset because I thought I wasn't going to get a normal high school experience. Maybe my freshman year isn't normal but at least I have this year and two more years after that to experience.  It's sad to think in only two years I'm going to be a senior and graduating high school. I remember being in elementary school with like multiple years left until I was going to be in high school and now I'm close to graduating. It's a crazy thing to  think about. Used to be when I was little I wanted 

to grow up so bad and be older and be done with school. However, now that it's around the corner it's scary and I wish it would slow down and not go faster.

High school does fly by so fast and you really should stop and take the time and enjoy it, because you won’t get to go to high school again and you won't be a teenager again.  Also, you learn a lot of things in high school. For example you will make friends and lose friends. You will have days where you don't wanna go to school and where you say you hate school. But you soon realize high school was maybe the best years of your life when your older my aunt tells me that all the time. 

Even though sophomore year has been so fun and good I have had some rough times. I lost three of my best friends. We used to be a friend group the first couple months of sophomore year and then one of them we didn't talk to anymore and then the two I was still friends with did the same to me. It really upset me and made me feel like  I didn't want to do anything anymore. I stopped trying everything: school, at home, with friends. 

But then I got back up and realized: it’s high school; is this going to be important to me in five years? No it isn't. That doesn’t mean go and be a bad person and start things in school. It means don't let things get to you when things like that happen, don't let it make you feel lesser than, make it help you grow as a person. And honestly it did. I'm so happy now and have so many more friends and I'm not doing bad in school. Sophomore year has definitely taught me a lot and I'm happy to say it's taught me good things. Maybe it upset or hurt me at the moment but now I just look at it as a lesson. 

The author's comments:

This piece really makes me emotional, because Im talking about real things that have happened so fast. And how things can change instantly.

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