Staying in Bre's Room for a Week | Teen Ink

Staying in Bre's Room for a Week

January 20, 2022
By bmkopatich GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
bmkopatich GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I walked into Bre’s bedroom for the first time I thought to myself, did a tornado go through here? I couldn’t process that I had to stay in here for a whole week.  The room was like a thrift store. All I knew was that by the end of this, her bedroom is going to be the cleanest and most tidy it has ever been. I really enjoyed all of the aspects of the room. They gave it life. The frames on the wall and the burgundy carpet helped me understand Bre a little bit more. The black frame with a color picture on the inside. I’ve never met someone with a purple carpet, it's always just plain white.  A bright outgoing person on the outside, but maybe more of a mess on the inside. A shy girl who likes to sit back and watch. Someone who cares about their room, but not enough to keep it clean. She's okay with the messes in her life, just like her room. The closet made me very excited. All different colors of clothes and styles. Enough to wear a different outfit for 30 years. I look to the right…robes and piles of bags on top of eachother, still with clothes in them. Then I look to the left…shoes on a shelf barely peeking out of the clothes draped on top of them. I was ready to get to work, I looked down and I knew exactly where I was going to start. 

The author's comments:

I wrote about what someone would see and think if they had to stay in my room for a week.

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