Dead Men Tell No Tale But, They Do Watch. | Teen Ink

Dead Men Tell No Tale But, They Do Watch.

May 28, 2021
By travin8989 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
travin8989 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Upon finally arriving at the hotel, which he had been dreading to go to. The hotel was modern; an IHG hotel apparently, whatever that meant. It had free, fast Wifi. The hotel consisted of three differently covered sections, pastel white, beige, and a very light brown. With the first floor being covered in grey; stonish slate bricks. The hotel’s lovely flowers, in perfect, orderly rows surrounded the inner-side of the hotel’s fences. With young trees being littered seemingly randomly over the entirety of the hotel’s parking lot, with only the hotel’s flower gardens being absent from them.

After taking a good look at the exterior of the hotel and its surroundings, he decided to settle into his room. Though, as he did, he noticed peculiar aspects of not only the room but the hotel itself. The hotel only had one streetlight in its parking lot, meaning, at night, only one spot of the parking lot would ever be lit. As well as all this, whenever he would take his dog out on a walk, he would notice that only one window would have its curtains completely open. The other window’s curtains would never change, opening or closing. They remained in the same state as he saw them last. For a while, he thought nothing of this, perhaps vacant rooms? But, after well over a month of time, he started to become suspicious and noticed could only be described as an anomaly. Light wouldn't ever pierce through the windows.

So, one night, he decided to bring a flashlight while taking his dog on a walk. When he walked up to the window, he shined his flashlight into it. When he looked into the window, he would never forget what he witnessed. A man, wearing a deadpan expression stared back at him, his eyelids as open as they could be, his eyes bloodshot, and pupils incredibly small. The man had a devilish closed-smile, with the sides of his lips nearly reaching up to his ears. As he saw this, he shut off the flashlight, recoiling back, falling to the ground. That man’s face, as contorted as it was, wasn’t unfamiliar to him, it appeared to be his, who he had thought to be deceased, uncle’s.  

The author's comments:

 I type at speeds of 90-100 WPM, on average. One of my favorite games is Castle Crashers.

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