The Lone Walker | Teen Ink

The Lone Walker

July 25, 2013
By Berry_Pie BRONZE, Puyallup, Washington
Berry_Pie BRONZE, Puyallup, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Oh, Hells Bells, this is gonna hurt.

I wish I knew where to start with this. There ain’t much to say, really, other than the obvious. It was a gray, cloudy day, and I walked alone on an old beat-up road through the Desert on my way to El Paso. God, please let there be something for me there. I’d gotten to Odessa too late, ya see…there was nothing’ left. I feel tired, a little sluggish. Ain’t had a rest for a day now…just kept on walkin’. If only I had some food… The wind blows stiff, and my hat flutters away in the breeze. I grimace and chase after it, grabbing it a couple feet away, and put it back where it belongs. I wonder how pappy’s doin’? This hat was the only reminder of what I used to have. A family…friends…I start to cry a little. Would I ever find work? Am I gonna wander the rest of my life?

The sun’s starting to set…no time for rest…If only Loraine’d been able to keep’er hands off me…I would’ve never had t’ leave Stanton… What’s that noise…? clacklacklacklacklack… As I move off to the side, my heart stops, and I start to cry. It was a truck. “Hey!” I call out to them, “Slow down, let me on!”
They don’t stop
Why don’t they stop?!
The tears come again, and I fall to my hands and knees. “Bastards…!” I yell at the earth. Why wouldn’t they stop…? Now they’ll get there first…! Give up. I need to give up. Darkness covers the land now. I NEED to stop. From my spot on the ground, I crawl into a nearby ditch, that seemed relatively clean, and close my eyes. It’s over…it’s all over…

The sun rises, and the light of day burns my eyes. Sweat drips from my brow, but I’ve decided--I’m going to get there, or die trying. I take a swig from my canteen, and grimace, as the last drips of water trickle into my mouth. I need to go. All alone on this road…it never seems to end. How long ago was it since I’ve had a friend…? It didn’t matter. I was no good for nobody anyways. A rise in the road ahead. Maybe I’ll be able to get there, yet! One…foot…at…a time… I was slowing down, and my muscles burned, as if in anticipation for the finale of a play I’ve only seen one of them…There it is. Off in the distance, I see it, the town of El Paso. I pump my fist and jump for joy, and start running as fast as I can down the hill towards the city. Something…wrong…I trip, and fall on my leg, with a nasty sounding snap, pain courses through my body…but I’m too tired to care. I’m almost …there… I can’t get up, and the ground beneath me feels like a warm bed, the sun clawing at my eyes as if yelling at me to close them. Need to…rest…No…my eyes start to close, and the world seems to drift away…

For years now, I’ve been on this road…looking for a way to earn my pay. I’ve lost so much in this world…but now…
“Nobody’s gonna help me here…Momma…I’m comin’ home…”

The author's comments:
It's a school assignment, that I needed to submit to somewhere, to get an confirmation email. Anyways, it's a story about a worker who ends up dying. Putting it simply.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 5 2013 at 8:12 am
RelativetoWriting GOLD, Brecksville, Ohio
13 articles 0 photos 34 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes."
-Walt Whitman

I love your vernacular and imagery in this piece! How you described nature like the ground and the sun as wanting to keep the narrator away from his goal really contributes to the spectacular imagery. Wonderful work!