Forever Sleep at Freddys | Teen Ink

Forever Sleep at Freddys

February 19, 2016
By Eaglebeak BRONZE, Green Mtn Falls, Colorado
Eaglebeak BRONZE, Green Mtn Falls, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's about 9:15 A.M. I jump out of bed, and I head to the bathroom to wash up; I've have my big interview today. My interview is at 2:00 pm, and it's at Freddy's Fun House Pizza. I'm trying to get the job as a security guard. I know getting this job might not be the easiest thing to do, but I need it to happen. So before I head out I grab my coffee and my bagel, and go about my usual morning routine. As I head out to my car, It's now 1:25 P.M. and Freddy's is about 25 minutes away. I start my car and head off.   
    Walking in the door way of Freddy's I'm greeted by a singing bear, duck, and a bunny. This kinda freakes me out because I'm not a big fan of animatronics. As I get past them I see a big man. His name tag says nothing but "the big boss." He says "Hello, you must be Bryan. Come into to my office, and we can have a nice little chat." The man was so inviting, it makes me not want to trust him.
   In side this mans office we have the interview. His office is full of old animatronic parts. The faces,arms,legs,voice boxes, all of it just put away into the shelves in his office. Big boss asks me just a few questions, very brief and to the point. Then he says " Well Bryan I'm gonna go with it, and give you the job. You start tomorrow, and that's Halloween day."
"Oh thank you sir thank you, and I will be here."
   " Good because if your not you'll be done before you start. Your stuff is in that closet. Her is your name tag, don't lose it because it's the only one that has the name,Bryan on it, got it."
  " Yes,sir,"
" Oh ya just one more thing if you hear strange noises, like songs, or giggling, it's probably the animatronics. Probably, but just remember you are alone, so lock the doors keep your torch, mace, and your taser close to you. Just one more thing I'd stay in the office for most of the night, because things tend to get pretty weird at night. Well that's it see you tomorrow, relax tonight and be ready for work at 8:30 P.M. after we close. Lastly prepare mentally," says the big boss. Why did he say this, perhaps it has to do with some of the rumors I've heard about this place; about the somewhat alive animatronics.
   As I'm at my apartment I begin to ponder with every thing the man had told me, everything about my new job. It's all so strange, I open my lab top and look up, Freddy's Fun House Pizza. I tap the first link that Google brings up. Reading the web page, I find out that one of the animatronics named, Two Tails was put out out of order. He was put out of order, because he had bitten a little girls head. Also the rumor is that his jaw hangs low, because of the bite force, and only the boss of Freddy's truly knows. Continuing to read I come across that 2 security guards have gone missing, from working at Freddy's after hours. This really spookes me, and I can tell my first night is gonna be very fighting.  
    I wake up and to my surprise it's Halloween. My work day begins at 8:30 tonight. I go about my day just normally, nothing out of the ordinary, I watch the news, bathe, eat, do my studies, and get ready for work. At 8:00 I head out to my car, and head out to my first night.
   Entering Freddy's tonight there's, no greetings by any of the animatronics. They're power is off, so that's good for me. I keep walking, I see the big boss. He did not have much to say expect for "Your here, good. I'm leaving I'll be back here at 6:00 A.M. I hope you have every thing you need. There's a manual with check list, of every thing that needs to be done tonight. Alright we'll see you in the morning, I hope haha." I think to my self jerk you could've given me more info. He leaves and I head into the office.
     My long night beginnings, and to start I hop into a spiny moving chair and try to relax. My muscles are as tense a trampoline. I check the security cameras every 30 minutes. It's about 9:00 so I check the cameras. While checking camera 2A that's the stage, and I see that Ducky and Porkers are gone. So I check the other cameras to see where they've gone. Checking all of the cameras I find that Porkers in one of the birthday party rooms. Continuing to check the cameras, Ducky's face is right in the 4a camera. This scares me so much I jump out of my chair, and I hit my head on a shelf. Taking a second to just close my eyes. After opening my eyes I check every camera, every thing was normal.  I've spooked my mind, and I kinda feel like I'm crazy. I sit and wait in the dark, and in about 10 minutes I here noises, like giggling, then I here Freddy. He says " I love to ka ka ka kill, I mean party, so come out and play with us or will come to you," says the bear. Then I hear another noise. I check the cameras, I check the camera with Two Tails the fox curtain is at, and I see it's wide open. So I proceed to check the hall way cam, I see him sprinting my way. Quickly getting up, I run over, shut and lock both office doors. Then just then in comes the fox. He bust the door knocking me over. Getting up as fast as I can. I see the fox standing right in front if me, I look at him and say "Its true your jaw is messed up. You bit that little girl. Your your alive." He lets out a loud screech, and hits me in the head with an old anamatronic part, that was in one of the selfs. The blow to the head knocks me out cold. I wake up to the noises of every animatronic singing. looking out through the hall from where the knocked down door is at. Seeing the eyes of every single one of them, my breathing gets harder. I see Porkers,Ducky,Two Tails,Bonnie, and Freddy. Suddenly they all move away quickly, my alarm goes off with a pinging noise, It's 6:00 in the morning.
   The boss comes in, and goes straight to his office. In about 5 minutes I hear over the party com, "Bryan please make your way to my office." As I walk in through the knocked down office door of his, he instantly says "Have a seat, and let's talk."
  "Is there a problem, sir did my first night not go well."
  "No no son it went just fine. Actually just too good."
  "What do you mean sir."
  "Son you know way to much, about me, the animatronics being killers, me included. Thank you for your service here but your released of your duties, good night son." He pulls out a pistol from his desk, and shoots me right in the head. As my body lies dead, and cold. Freedy comes to the office door. "Get rid of his body, fix any messes you guys have created, and you know what feed him to Two Tails, he could use a snack," Says the boss. My body is dragged by Freddy onto the foxes stage, suddenly the fox munches on me like I'm a chicken wing. They clean the place up and get ready to open for the day.
  In a week it's put in the news paper that I'm gone. It reads "Boy 22 years of age, not seen for a week, gone possibly dead. Last seen working at Freddy's Fun House Pizza." In a column in the paper is a help wanted ad for Freddy's.
   Within a day an ad shows up for help in the paper. An applicant shows up for the job. The big boss greats him. The boy says "Hi I'm Will, I'm here for the night job."
"Good good, we need a new night guard. My friends and I are hungry for some new help, can't wait to have you start," says the big boss.
  "Cool, I can't wait to start," says Will.
  "Neither can can my animatronic friends," says the boss.

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