Star Wars Sitcom Fanfictions | Teen Ink

Star Wars Sitcom Fanfictions

December 2, 2015
By Mr.Parkos BRONZE, Anoka, Minnesota
Mr.Parkos BRONZE, Anoka, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Episode I: Father-Son Issues
“Luke, I am your father, and if you don’t get down here this instant, you’re grounded”! Darth Vader yelled from the living room, trying to get Luke’s attention. “Dad, I got a girl over with me! Could you just give me a break”! Luke seemed annoyed, and there was great tension. Just then the front door swung open, full of steam and smoke. “Isa brought a pizza”!  Jar Jar said excitedly. Luke peeked his head down the stairwell, and he had a worried look on his eyes. Princess Leia walked down the stairs, and looked Jar Jar in the eyes. “Yay, Pizza”. Darth Vader and Luke looked at each other, and they both said disappointed, “Jar Jar”.

Episode II: Manual
R2D2 was sitting on the couch, reading a robotics manual, when C3PO walked in. He saw the book and said “R2, what are you doing, there are children around here”! R2 jumped, shut the book, and put it in his secret compartment. “BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BOOP! (Come on, this is my only day off from the lightsaber factory)”. R2D2 looked slightly annoyed. Little Anakin walked into the room, and sat on the couch. “Okay, time to check your compartments”! Anakin said excitedly. “Front is fine, back is fine, sides are fine”. C3PO looked at Anakin nervously. “Secret compartment… hey, there’s a book in here”! C3PO was so nervous he could explode. “Cool! An engineering book, I’m gonna read it right away.” Anakin the walked away, reading.

Episode III: The Comedian
The stage was bright, and the audience was excited. Watto flew onto the stage. In a nasally voice, he said, “Hello folks, we have a very special guest here tonight, Introducing… Yoda”! Yoda looked old, wrinkly, and very excited. “How you doing folks, it’s time for some Yoda jokes”! Yoda coughed, clearing his throat. “What did Luke Skywalker say to the the bullies who were picking on his sister”? Yoda paused, waiting for the right moment. “Don’t you Leia finger on her”. Everybody was quiet, and Yoda slowly walked off stage. Some patron in the crowd said “Hey, that guy was funny, why did he leave”?

The author's comments:

I felt like writing a star wars fanfiction

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 15 2015 at 8:52 pm
ThrillQueen126, Seattle, Washington
0 articles 0 photos 46 comments
This is pretty well written, but I didn't get the second one-maybe it's just me though, or the fact that I haven't watched Star Wars in a while... But overall, this is great.