The Other Games | Teen Ink

The Other Games

November 4, 2014
By Anonymous

Chapter 1
The day when one female and one male must fight to the death to show that the government will always be in control. This year it would be the 49th year these games would be held. On this day everyone must where their finest clothing and have their name in a bowl and a representative will pick out two names, and will be sent to the capital. When they get to the capital they will have few days to train and to learn survivor tricks and how to stay alive, to win the games. After a few days of training the tributes will go into the arena and fight to the death. When everyone, but one is living he or she would be declared victor of that certain year of games. For winning the tributes will get a new home in victor’s village and many riches.

This was the day on which two tributes from district 12 would be picked to complete in the hunger games. As everyone from the age of 12 to 18 were putting on their finest clothes to go to the square, the center of town. In a house really close to the square there was a boy named Haymich. He had dirty blond hair and a strong built. As he buttoned his light, sky blue shirt he realized that in a few years he wouldn’t have to be in the reaping anymore. He put on his light tan pants and a pair of brown shoes on and starts to walk outside to the reaping. When he is walking to the square he feels butterflies in his stomach due to having his name in the bowl many times. As he checks in, his finger is pricked with a small needle and a sample of his blood in placed on a paper. He walks to where all the other males are standing. As a short and pale lady steps out with a bright pink dress with hearts comes out she starts to talk about the history of the games. Haymich doesn’t pay much attention because he has read it a lot and has been to the reaping a few times. The lady says “Ladies first” and she pull out a slip of people that reads “Megan Bumburt.” She walks to the stage with complete shock of having to go to the games.

Then the lady says “now for the male.” This time he crosses his fingers to see if that helped. The Lady read”Haymich Abernathy.” Haymich walks to the stage with a sad expression and sees his mother with a mad expression. As the lady closes up her speech about the capital the guards escort Haymich and Megan to the train to go to the capital.

On the train ride it was very fast due to all the advanced technology at this time. Haymich sits at the dining tables and wonders how much he knows about surviving in the wild. Since he is from a poor district he knows how to live on very little. The lady comes back in and tells them both how the games work. Haymich just thinks about how much his mother is going through with only one child to have helped her. Even though it’s only been a few hours he wishes he was home. The train stopped and then came another lady with bright blue hair and green lips comes in and tells him that she with make him handsome to have a higher chance on living. Haymich thinks to himself and is glad that he doesn’t live in the capital. In district 12 there main product is coal, so the stylist decides to dress Haymich and Megan in black jumpsuits and a fire like hat. Then they both get on a carriage with two black horses in the lead. When they get out Haymich sees many more weird styles. After the parade they walk to their rooms to discuss the other tributes. He finds out that this year there aren’t any highly well trained tributes, which would make it easier to win. Then after a filling dinner Megan and Haymich go to the training center. When they get there they see that there are many things to learn and not much time. Their boss told them not to show any of their hidden skills so when they are in the arena they could surprise the others. The last night before the last training day Haymich couldn’t sleep thinking about his poor mother. He needed the sleep in case he couldn’t get too much in the arena.

The next day was the games. Once everyone who helped him said goodbye he goes in a hovercraft and is asked to have his arm out. He puts it out and a get a shot with a tracker in it to track him in the arena. Then he walks into a clear tube that will rise and when the countdown is over he will run to the center of the arena to get supplies. Since he has some time to think he thinks of his mother back at home. Haymich thinks more about why the capital does this year after year and thinks I don’t want to be here for their entertainment. He imagines his mother and if he wins the games and thinks I have to win.

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