Unwanted | Teen Ink


May 21, 2014
By h.harley BRONZE, Elgin IL, Illinois
h.harley BRONZE, Elgin IL, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
the worst things in life come free to us

I woke up to my alarm clock ringing to notify me that it was time to get up and get ready for school. I groaned as I sat up and stretched, I got up while yawning, and I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, then washed my face. I sighed as I saw my jet black hair with a tint of purple hair all knotted in bunches “Just peachy...” I muttered whilst brushing it all out, I grunted after I got it all out. It was in my natural wavy hair. I sighed as I was I went to grab my jumper and my jeans, with my converse, I put them on. I sighed as I went to grab my make up, I looked in the mirror there stood my reflection; my face to be exact it had hand prints from my beating yesterday. I flinched as I replayed the scene in my head; I shook my head trying to rid of that horrible memory. I put my foundation on to cover my bruises, cuts, hand prints on my face. I put my powdered conseler as well; I looked and saw it covered most of my face fairly well. “At least you can’t see my horrid face.” I thought to myself.
“HEY SL*T GET YOUR FITHLY A** DOWN HERE NOW!” I cringed and rolled my eyes as my so called “father” called me down stairs. “COMING!” I called back; I grabbed my backpack and my phone and headphones and walked down the stairs. “Finally...your here.” My dad slurred whilst holding a beer bottle in his right hand. “What do you need now..?” I whispered, “WHAT DO I NEED NOW?!? DON’T USE THAT TONE WITH ME WH**E” he hollered as he slapped me and my head went the direction he slapped me. I didn’t move a muscle... is it bad to say im use to this? Well either way I am. “Now go make me breakfast...” he growled, I nodded and scurried into the kitchen and grabbed the eggs and make him scrambled eggs. “Sh**” I muttered as I looked at the time. My father sat at the table, I brought him his food “‘bout time...” he grumbled and ate “I have to go to school or ill be late.” I whispered quietly. I grabbed my bag and ran out the door, I’m already late for my beating... im gonna get it today. I gulped as I got closer to the school “maybe I’ll be lucky and they have went into their classes...” I thought to myself.
But with just my luck they were there, I put my head down and tried t walk past them unidentified. “Where do you think you’re going sl*t?” someone whispered in my ear and gripped my shoulder. I shivered but not the good kind, the kind that you get when you’re terrified. I gulped me knew that voice anywhere: The one and only Brent Rivera, my bully as well as my ex-best friend, it was perfect until he told me he loved me. But I wasn’t ready so I denied him, then he snapped and slapped me and ran off. Since then he has always been my bully through grade school into 11th grade anyway back to the present. The air I breathed became hitched. “To first p-p-period.” I stuttered and whimpered. “Well you know what happens when you’re late.” He growled in my ear. “Pl-please don’t.” I whispered “DON’T YOU DARE TALK BACK TO ME.” he boomed. The next thing I know I was on the ground head first, I felt kicks and punches into my stomach, legs, face, and arms. I accidently let out a yelp, “YOU KNOW THE RULES DON’T MAKE A SOUND!!” he yelled and punched me ten times harder. I heard the bell as he picked me up “crap... well have to continue this after school doesn’t try and hide we will find you.” He said in my ear. I nodded but that wasn’t enough, “ANWSER ME.” he hollered “y-ye-yes b-Brent...” I whispered as I looked down. “good.” He said and threw me on the ground, my eye sight started to become blurry. The last thing I saw was him walking away, before I blacked out.
I smirked as I walked away, as I approached my locker I saw Cameron, he had a smirk but it seem to be real. I shrugged it off “Hey man why are you late?” Cameron asked. I had the smug smirk “taking care of business” I said and grabbed my books. I saw all my other buddies and gave them high fives. I set my books down in my first period class and watched everyone come in. I noticed that misty wasn’t here yet. I shrugged it off thinking she wasn’t going to show. But as time went by she didn’t, it was now 25 minutes into the period and no sign of her. “Maybe I took it to tough on her… no no of course not. Don’t be stupid Brent” then before the period ended she entered. I was slightly shocked.
I awoke with excruciating pain everywhere in my body. I slowly sat up and looked around my books scattered everywhere. I sighed and groaned as I sat up I screamed in agony from the pain. “F***k!” I shouted I whimpered as gathered my bags and then limped my way into the school. I cried with almost each step, I went to the bathroom and dropped my book bag. I nearly cried from my image, blood, bruises, cuts, and a black eye. I let out a shaky breath and broke down. “WHY?!?!?” I sobbed into my hands. I didn’t understand, why me? What had I done to deserve this torture? After about 15 minutes of bawling I got up and wiped my face and put some make up on to hide my face.
I sighed as I grabbed my book bag and walked as much as I could to class. I entered into the room and all eyes were on me. I looked down ignoring the harsh words that were thrown at me. I heard a faint gasp I darted up my eyes and saw Brent looking guilty and shocked. I scoffed I sat all the way in the back of the classroom till the bell rang. Which was five minutes from now, I just twilled my thumbs just as a note landed right in front of me. I opened it up and my eyes started to water up “go and die no one wants your fat ars* around anymore do us all a favor!” I let out a shaky and crumpled it up. The bell rang and I got up quickly and tried to go to next period but was slammed up again a wall.
I didn’t move, I looked up and saw the one and only Brent. “Wh-what do you want?” I whispered, he ignored me and smirked “Class was a little boring without someone to torture...” he said I gulped. Just then he threw a punch in my direction. I winced as he restlessly continued to punch and kick at me. Then a sob escaped my lips with some blood that was from him punching me so hard. I kept coughing up blood but he could seem to care less “SL**, WH**E FAT A**, WORTHLESS, TRASH, USELESS, PATHETIC, WEAK F**K UP, NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE JUST GO DIE!” he screamed in my face. I cried and cried as he kept beating me up “SHUT THE H*LL UP YOU F**KING BABY.” He hollered at me. He gave me one final punch and then smirked, as he left me broken and weak on the ground.
I blacked out; I woke up to see worried bright blue eyes that belonged to Nash Grier. One of Brent’s minions. He then asked “What has he done...” he muttered and then spoke “Here let me help you mist” tried to help me up, I gasped as this was more than likely a trick. I backed away and cowered in fright. “Don-don’t touch me” I yelled and stuttered. I got up and ran away with him calling my name but I ignored it. I heard footsteps chasing me. I ran to the girls’ bathroom and went into a stall. As I heard the feet run by, I breathed in relief. I also didn’t know I was holding my breath that long. I sighed and grabbed some toilet paper, and a nearby pen. I wrote my heart out, I sat up after it was finished and walked out of the bathroom.
I saw Nash try and help the Wh**, I scoffed and went to go see what happened. “Hey why were you with misty?” I questioned him, he sighed and stood up. “Look, we are taking this too far. Did you see how bad you took her last beating?” he said and looked down. I followed his eyes and saw a trail of blood leading down the hall; “sh*t” I whispered and ran off, with Nash following closely behind. I saw her in the distance running in fright. “MISTY WAIT” Nash hollered. She turned around and gapped for a second and ran faster, we sped up to catch her but she had disappeared from us. Clueless we ran past the girl’s bathroom and continued to search for her.
We soon gave up and sighed “You need to see what you have caused man.” Nash growled and walked off. I heavily sighed and went to my locker; once I opened it some toilet paper fell out. It read:
“Dear Brent,
I am terribly sorry for all the wrong I have done to deserve this pain and torment I’m receiving. It my fault I lost you, my best friend all because I didn’t feel the same way. I’m so so sorry. But the memories we had as kids will live on forever. I’m doing what you all need me to do to make you and your friends’ lives much easier. I’m going to kill myself. As you all said do us a favor. So I am, I’m currently making this decision right now by an old bridge we use to go to all the time. So this is goodbye. You won’t see you for the rest of your life.
-Misty B.”
I was sobbing by the time I finished, then it clicked I have taken it too far to the point where she wants to kill herself. I ran out of the school to the old bridge an saw her figure in the distance. “MISTY DON’T DO IT.” I shouted as I got close to her. She looked back at me and jumped. “NO!” I yelled as I got there and saw her plummet into the water. I threw my hat off and dived in after her. I hit the water but I didn’t die, luckily. I went under water and saw her losing her breath. I saw towards her as she slowly started to close her eyes. I grabbed her and carried her cold body to the shore. I cried as I called 911, “please be okay” I whimpered. Just as the ambulance arrived and told me she had a small pulse. I hopped in the back of the ambulance and went the hospital.
Hours went by as I paced back and forth waiting for her to wake up; she was going to be fine according to the doctor. I heard some shuffling and a groan and saw misty waking up. I went to call the nurse, after she got all cleared I slowly approached her, she looked and became frightened then angry. “What do you want” she growled “I w-wanted to say sorry” I whispered. She became mad at that, “SORRY?! THAT’S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY OF 6 YEARS OF TORTURE AND SORRY IS YOU HAVE TO SAY? WHAT DID I DO TO DERSERVE THAT?” She ended with her voice cracking at the end and broke out into a sob. “I know I have no excuse I was just hurt, that you rejected me. I wanted you to love me the way I love you” yes I have been in love with misty since grade school. “It was stupid and I’m truly sorry all I need is to show you I can change, and be the boy you once knew. All I need is a chance, and if I mess it up I’ll stay out of your life forever.” I said bravely. She looked hesitant. “I guess just don’t blow it. Or else” she half-joked. I broke into the biggest grin. I jumped up and shouted “yes!” Then I calmed down and said “you won’t regret it now, let’s get you your nurse so we can make sure your stable” I said gently. I sighed happily as I walked out; from this day forth I am going to prove too misty how much I love her. No matter how long that takes I am willing to go through it all just for her.

The end.

The author's comments:
this is a very personal to me. I have dealt with this type of bullying. more on the worse side like misty had encountered maybe worse. bullying is not okay and I hated to be bullied by people just as hard and cruel also harmful.but.. I did not mention that she cuts or stuff. I have done that as well. misty is very similar to me, maybe not so the looks but in experience. so this story is very personal to me. I don't know why I chose Brent Rivera the famous viner. he just came to my mind, I am not trying to make him look bad at all. I love that boy to death, I am not trying to offend him. but I hope you guys like it.

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