Euthanasia | Teen Ink


December 18, 2013
By Austin Key BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Austin Key BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Connor Harmon was walking down his usually bedrock path. He was usually in an ecstatic mood, but the summer solstice festival was tonight and he had no one to accompany him. His clothes were torn with holes patterning his shirt, raggedy pants with slight stains, and his boots were caked with layers of mud. His family is impoverished which meant he couldn’t afford new clothes.
While walking home he headed towards the koi pond. Connor got on his knees near the water and sobbed until his tears ran out. In his reflection he noticed a bottle with a message inside; he turned around and there laid a rusty old bottle sitting beside a tree. He loosened and twisted the cork off and took out the message. The message was hard to read but he could make out most of the words. “Make one wish and use it wisely because it will come true. But if you do not come back to the coy pond at the stroke of twelve, you will die. If you come back to the coy pond, put the message back inside the bottle and you will live.”
“I wish to have amazing clothes for the festival” just then his clothes became transformed into a lovely suit. He was as excited for the festival as he walked towards the town square. When he got there people stopped their dancing and looked at him, he was the center of attention! Then, Marry who was the princess of the town light steel came over to him and asked him to dance.
He danced with Marry for hours as they walked with the melody. When the festival was almost done, Conner looked at the clock, eleven fifty-eight! He ran from the festival as his clothes began reversing back to raggedy clothing. Just when he saw the coy pond, he died.

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