the business | Teen Ink

the business

April 8, 2013
By Anonymous

The business
“I tried to make some money as a kid. I had a lemonade stand for about six weeks. I made no money. I had to burn it down and collect insurance.” After that I decided to find a real job and stop slacking. I had a memory of a fish and still lived with my parents and was extremely lazy.
My brother suggested taking the money I have in my savings account and inherit it on something. My brother gave me the brightest idea he had. I decided to open a restaurant. In 5 months we were open for business.
My mom was really proud of me and said “are you the manager”? I replied “oh no mom I’m not working here I’m just going to collect all the money.” My mom hated the idea. As we got business I got richer and richer, by the minute. “I don’t need to work” I said “work is for losers.”
It has being 2 weeks since I decided to stop paying attention to the restaurant I opened up. I had forgotten to hire a manager to be in charge and to take over my spot.
The restaurant started losing business since there was no manager in charge. Soon the restaurant was running out of food. The restaurant had no business for weeks. I ran out of money and burned the restaurant down to collect the insurance. It didn’t work out as planned. I forgot to get insurance.

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