a statement a day (keeps the observer away) | Teen Ink

a statement a day (keeps the observer away)

July 3, 2024
By Anonymous

Statement of Josiah Worthington, regarding the insects in his walls. Statement never given. Aired November 5th, two thousand and twenty three. Statement begins. 

It hurts, and I love it. Their legs pinch and their mouths bite. The centipedes are my friends, the beetles my lovers, the earwigs my family. I am at home within their embrace. 

Of course, there was a before. A time when he-who-used-to-be-me could move freely about without hearing that wretched melody. I sing along to it now, the bees in my ears humming along. 

I used to hate bugs. Be afraid of them even. I can’t fathom how I could hate them, not when they are now the only thing that brings me comfort. I used to run any time I saw a multi-legged thing. Now I embrace them as the burrow into my brain. 


(It’s Jared Hopworth. His hulking frame fills the entirety of the screen, and he begins to speak from several mouths.) “Are you interested in flowers? Are you getting married? Are you getting buried? Well, my flower bouquets are perfect for you!” 

(He holds up a screaming flower, its gaping mouth glistening with blood and saliva, its eyes shining with unshed tears.) “My human flowers are made of 100% human flesh and are great for any of your botanical needs. Buy now for the ‘friends and loved ones’ bundle. For 20% off regular price, I will turn your beloveds into meat flowers for every occasion. Buy now, before the limited time only sale ends.”


I remember the first time I heard the song. It drove me wild as I tore at the plaster walls with nothing but my fingernails. The desperation gripped me with a mania I had never before felt. I cherish it now. My fingers bled, my nails worn ragged, and I finally had made a significant opening in my wall. 

I took in the space between the beams with horror as the thousands, millions, of my worst nightmares moved like a wave over and around, a rainbow of terror. They flowed out of the hole of my creation and began to fill my flat, covering me as well. 

I tried to scream, but they filled my mouth and wiggled down my throat and crawled up my nose. I choked, and that's when I heard the words. They held so much weight and as the world began to change, so did I. 

The bugs are my friends, my home, and I never wish to leave. You can join me if you’d like. There is plenty of room in the song for you. 

Statement ends. 

The author's comments:

Inspired by, as well as borrowing characters from The Magnus Archives, a horror podcast. Credit of "the Flesh" as well as Jared Hopworth to the creators of The Magnus Archives at Rusty Quill. 

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