Jealousy, Jealousy—Follows Muichiro | Teen Ink

Jealousy, Jealousy—Follows Muichiro

October 25, 2023
By Anonymous

Muichiro is jealous of your and Sanemi’s bond. 

Muichiro sat at the edge of a rocky cliff, his legs dangling freely over the abyss below. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a soft glow upon the land. He didn’t have a mission tonight, but his mind was preoccupied.

You had been spending more time with the other Hashiras lately, particularly with Sanemi. They often trained together and had formed a close bond. Muichiro couldn't deny the pang of jealousy that shot through his heart whenever he saw you laughing with Sanemi or sharing intense training sessions.

As the wind whispered through the trees, Muichiro couldn't help but wonder if he was being irrational. He and you were not in a romantic relationship, and you were free to spend time with whomever you chose. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that he wanted to be the one by your side, sharing those moments with you.

Lost in his thoughts, Muichiro failed to notice your arrival until you sat down beside him, breaking the silence. "Hey, Tokito. Mind if I join you?" you asked, your voice filled with warmth.

He forced a smile and shook his head. "Nope. You’re welcome to be here."

You glanced at him, sensing the slight tension in his voice. "Is everything alright, Muichiro? You seem a bit off tonight."

He hesitated, unsure if he should voice his concerns. But ultimately, his desire for honesty won over. "I've been feeling... confused, I suppose," he admitted, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.

Your eyebrows furrowed in surprise. "Confused? What do you mean, Tokito?"

Muichiro took a deep breath, his hands gripping the edge of the cliff. "I've noticed you spending more time with Sanemi. Training together, laughing together... and it hurts. I don't understand why, but it does."

You turned to face him fully, concern etched on your face. "Muichiro, you have to understand that Sanemi and I are just friends. We train together because we have similar strengths and can help each other improve. But it doesn't change my feelings for you."

Muichiro's heart skipped a beat at your words. "My feelings for you…” he trailed off. “I want to be the one who makes you laugh, who trains by your side, who spends time with you."

A gentle smile formed on your lips, and you reached out to place a hand on his. "Muichiro, I didn't realize how much this was affecting you. I value our bond more than anything. You're the one I turn to when I need support, the one who understands me in ways no one else does."

The weight on Muichiro's chest began to lift, replaced by a warmth spreading through his veins. He turned to face you, his eyes meeting yours. "You mean that?"

"I do," you replied sincerely. "You've always held a special place in my heart, Muichiro. I may spend time with others, but it doesn't change how much I care for you."

Muichiro's grip on the cliff's edge relaxed as a sense of relief washed over him. He reached out and intertwined his fingers with yours, cherishing the connection. "Thank you for understanding, and for being patient with me."

You leaned in closer, your shoulder brushing against his. "Always, Muichiro."

A sense of peace settled over them both as they sat side by side, the moonlight illuminating their intertwined hands.

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