The Little Mermaid 2.0 | Teen Ink

The Little Mermaid 2.0

October 26, 2018
By Anonymous

As the young girl walked threw the square, she tried to asked about the town but then remembered she is unable to speak. Later the day she walked to the palace where she is staying. “Oh hello there.” She just waved, she walked to the room that the prince allowed her to stay in. after getting ready for bed she looked out the window and looked out at the sea. As she drifted off to sleep, she swam to witches home and knocked on the shutters “Who dares come to my home!” the sea witch exclaimed “I do, I wish to have legs.” she said in a worried tone the witch thought about the request “Well of course, but it will cost you.” she looked in fear “What will it cost?” the startling witch chuckled “Your voice.” she said calmly, the young mermaid thought about her decision “alright, I’ll give you my voice.” the witch picked a small  bottle and handed it to the girl “As soon as you drink the potion your voice will be trapped inside, drop the bottle back into the sea and enjoy your legs.” she thanked thanked the witch and swam to the shore, after doing as the witch asked she stood up for the first time. She woke up from her dream and walked to the dining hall. After eating breakfast with the prince one of his advisors told him they would be having guest. She was excited to see who will becoming, she the heard the prince shout “Arranged Marriage!” and she became worried she watched as the prince argued. She laid in her bed worried  about losing her prince, without knowing she fell into a slumber in sadness. She swam close to the boat wanting to investigate, what she found were many rowdy men but one caught her eye. One young man that seemed to capture her attention, she stared in awe not noticing the storm clouds. As a storm erupted the crew turned to shore but in the chaos the young man who caught her eye fell off the ship, she swam to him and kept him above sea level threw the storm. After it had cleared she swam him to shore. “I hope he’s okay.” she spoke to herself, once he came too she heard a shouting “Your Highness!” startled she jumped back into the sea and watch from a distance as he came to. “Your Highness?” she then left after knowing he was safe. After waking up from her dream  she stood up and went looking for the prince, when she found him he was sitting annoyed with his guest. He then noticed her “Why don’t I introduce you to our guest.” She waved as they looked in confusion “Does she not speak?” one of the guest had said, she said down next to the prince hoping she didn’t embarrass him. They sat and ate quietly waiting to acknowledge the arranged marriage. As the day came to end someone spoke “Well since no one is going to speak the wedding will begin at dawn.” everyone looked in agreement except the Prince and Girl. As the night rolled around the girl from the sea overheard an argument, “I will not marry someone a don’t even know!” “Your highness, this will bring both kingdoms together.” “No I refuse, I will not marry that girl, she was rude to our guest!” “You will marry her and that’s that now go to bed, you have a big day tomorrow.”, He stormed away upset. As she began to go to sleep all she could think is that she will lose him. As she looked around on the shore she saw a boat wreckage and decided to dress herself, after covering up she walked down the beach. While walking she found a gate, curios she opened at and heard a shout “You there, You’re not allowed in the palace gates!” She stood in fear “Sir who are you yelling at.” she recognized the voice,  the prince looked down and saw her “Are you alright?” he shouted not getting answer “She must be lost, someone get down and get her.”. She stood there not knowing what to do but was then escorted into the castle. The next day  she walked into a new room full of books, “Oh hello there, you sure are quiet.” she smile “You really can’t speak can you.” she shook her head, the young man looked around “Can you write?” immediately she nodded ‘yes’ “Great, we should have thought of this sooner.” the prince grabbed an empty notebook, ink and pen “Alright, tell me your name.” she opened the book and wrote ‘Ariel’ “That’s a wonderful name, where are you from?” pointed out the window to the ocean, confused he asked “ Are you from an island?” then she wrote ‘Mermaid’ and pointed to herself. He looked at her “Really, how do you have legs?” she then wrote about the witch and the night he fell off the ship, “You really went threw all that, what about your family? Do you have any?” her response was ‘One Dad, Seven Sister.’ “That’s a large family.” she smiled in response, then the prince looked upset “We should have thought of writing a month ago, now i’m stuck in this marriage.” Ariel then wrote ‘You can always say no.’ “I know, but then we will have a fued.” ‘Maybe there’s another way.’ The two thought about it “ The wedding’s not till this evening and everyone is making preparation, maybe we can get it cancelled.” She thought about ‘Let’s do it.’. As noon came around everyone walked threw the palace ballroom, “This should be big enough for a reception.” The prince looked disgusted “Well I think something near the sea would be better.” his bride smocked at the request “The ocean is full of disgusting pest, We will do nothing of the sort.” his reply to the statement “Well it’s for good luck, It’s a sign of love and trust.” his future in law and said “Then it’s settle, we’ll do it on the beach.” the bride looked annoyed, but Ariel and the Prince snickered. As they all went thru the palace planning and annoying bride sunset came around and it seemed that she bride to be was having second thoughts. “Do you think she’ll call it off.” Ariel shrugged, “All right we have everything, correct.” the staff replied joyfully, when it came to the wedding the bride looked disgusted “It smells can we please go inside.” the Prince replied “It’s too late to move everything inside.” Frustrated she shouted “Unless we move this wedding inside it’s cancelled!” her father interrupted “We are not moving it inside! You will marry him that’s that.” She the yelled at her father “ First  it was a noble men, now a prince! That’s it i’m done I’ll choose who I want to marry and that’s that!” She stormed off the beach and to a carriage. After the guest had left and everything was cleaned up they went inside. “Well that went better than expected.” She smiled and nodded “I still wonder if there any way to get your voice back.” the girl thought about that question a lot, “Did the witch ever tell you how?” she then had an idea, the girl grabbed his hand and ran to her room. “This is a bit startling.” he watched as the girl picked up a book and flipped to the end “Do you think it’ll work?” not sure she shrugged again. The two stood silently in the room, he pulled her close into a kiss. After it ended he asked “Did it work?”

“I’m not sure.” the stood silently “I can talk. I can talk!” the laughed joyously. After months of conversations and preparations they married on a beautiful spring day on the sea.

                                     They Lived Happily Ever After. The End.

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