Teen written fiction in a variety of genres | Teen Ink


Top voted Fiction

#2681voted by our readers
By LadyFreeWill GOLD
Okemos, Michigan

*As Edmund watched, breathless, Peterson drew close enough to Sis to make a grab for her just as she leaped into the water.* Stumbling like a drunk, Peterson lost his balance and f...
LadyFreeWill GOLD, Okemos, Michigan
13 articles 0 photos 14 comments

#2682 Fiction
just_another_girl BRONZE, Helsinki, Other
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments
#2683 Fiction
dragonfairy808 BRONZE, Waipahu, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A painter colors it's life, a singer sings it's knowledge, a dancer performs through it's eyes, a musician takes it's journey. But a storyteller brings all to tell."

#2684 Fiction
nobody0617 PLATINUM, Aiken, South Carolina
28 articles 7 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's absolutely amazing the power of words. It can make you laugh. It can make you cry. It can change your view of the world or it can change the world's view of you." -Me

#2685 Fiction
ObsessedPanhead BRONZE, Avonmore, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Normal? What's that? It's a setting on a washing machine-nobody wants to be that,"-Ashley Purdy

#2686 Fiction
Unalaska, Alaska
Ph123 BRONZE, Unalaska, Alaska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#2687 Fiction
TheBeautifuUglyStupidJerk SILVER, Blue River, Oregon
5 articles 0 photos 12 comments
#2688 Fiction
By Randomscreennamelalalala PLATINUM
Bonney Lake, Washington
Randomscreennamelalalala PLATINUM, Bonney Lake, Washington
23 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.<br /> -Albert Einstein

#2689 Fiction
By Nysa Aziz SILVER
Kuala Lumpur, Other
Nysa Aziz SILVER, Kuala Lumpur, Other
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#2690 Fiction
By Cesar Ramirez BRONZE
Stockton, California
Cesar Ramirez BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments