Two Big Liars | Teen Ink

Two Big Liars

May 9, 2018
By purpleflower3 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
purpleflower3 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
19 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Those two are the only two that think this. I am not the only one who disagrees.

Two big liars with short brown hair and a small structure like mine. Two who I should not be associated with, but here I am. Two annoying actions they make. From the outside, we can see them, but they just act and fake as if they don’t know.

Their strength is in her. They sneak behind backs just to catch up. They go back and forth and they go around the earth wanting their fingers and figures to meet one another’s cold embrace and pretend nothing happened. That is how they work.

Let only one of them be loved, she’d cry for long like the days in the sky of Seattle, each of her frowns slowly but surely saddening.  Sad, sad, sad they say when she broke. She doesn’t learn.

When I am too far gone and far too upset to keep watching, when I can see my rights against all of her wrongs, I then look at the liars. When I have no hope I look down on their faults.  Two who got together despite it all. Two who fought and never did make it. Two whose only purpose was to be and be together.

The author's comments:

This was inspired by 4 Skinny Trees, a chapter in The House on Mango Street.


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