The Spirited Child | Teen Ink

The Spirited Child

January 11, 2016
By Nykthos BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Nykthos BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I saw a spirit was when I was five. In that time I was just sitting looking out the window of my house. Something was moving around the bushes in my front yard. It was a small tiger cub looking at me creeping and pouncing through the bushes. Once i tried to look at him, but he quickly hid, slowly poking his head out. The cub approached the window cautiously becoming closer and closer to me until he's up on my porch table. I noticed that he is not normal. Not like the ones I’ve seen in our class lessons. His stripes are more obscure and varied; his fur was wispy while emitting a faint blue glow. As I looked in his eyes, it seemed that we have seen the same things; Like if it was actually me! In his eyes I see that he’s hesitant to express his true feelings and thoughts. He instead uses his passion on things to help blend in with the others doing things that he doesn't want to do. I see in his face that feels lost with no reason in life.
I went outside of my house to see him in more detailed. He was waiting for me outside of my door, like he was begging me to come out.  ‘We’re just the same huh?” I said while petting the cub. I reached over to grab it and cradled it on my shoulder, “just the same.” It starts to purr around my ear. Whispering, “Next time let’s show our honest feelings, our true feelings.” The cub’s fur started to glow with red and orange as its feeling were matching mine. I started to go back into my house still cradling the cub.


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