Is He Real? | Teen Ink

Is He Real?

February 19, 2014
By skelleher BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
skelleher BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a normal snowy day in the North Pole in 1955. Little Nicholas was all snuggled up in bed when he looked out the window and saw that it was snowing once again. All he wanted to do was play in the snow, but with whom? He had no siblings, and he lived in the North Pole. The snow went on for miles and miles; no one else lived around him, and he never saw another person or animal around except reindeer. He grew up playing with lots of toys that he had and with his mother to play with him. His father was always at work though, either in his office, which was in a factory or on a business trip.

Nicholas got up that snowy morning and went downstairs to the kitchen where he ate breakfast, toast and a cookie, like always. His mother made a new fresh batch of cookies every morning before Nicholas woke up. Usually, during the weekdays, Nicholas’s mother woke him up early so that Nicholas could be home schooled. On the weekends, Nicholas got to wake up whenever he wanted and play in the snow all day and then come inside and sit by the fire and drink hot chocolate. Usually on weekends Nicholas’ father, Kris, played with him outside in the snow, but this snowy day Kris couldn’t play outside with his son.
It was December 24th, Christmas Eve, and Kris was on a business trip once again. It always seemed to Nicholas that his father was on a business trip every December right up until Christmas morning; especially on Christmas Eve, Kris was on a business trip. So every December, Nicholas and his mother would set up all the Christmas decorations around the house and they would spend every Christmas Eve together sitting by the fire waiting for Santa to come visit the house. However, Nicholas would always fall asleep before Santa came to the house and his mother carried him upstairs into his nice warm bed. Nicholas hadn’t figured out that his father was Santa Claus yet; he was still young enough not to put all of the information together. His parents wanted to keep it a secret from him because they wanted him to have a normal childhood and not be the son of Santa Claus.
Every Christmas morning, Nicholas would wake up bright and early to his father coming home from his business trip. Then Nicholas would open presents from Santa, and he would always say that the presents weren’t from Santa; they were from his parents, because he got exactly what he told them he wanted, every year. Nicholas never believed in Santa Claus. He always believed that it was just his parents putting the presents under the tree every night after he fell asleep. But this Christmas, he finally believed.

Nicholas and his mother were doing what they always did on Christmas Eve; they had a big dinner and they ate lots of cookies and then started watching Christmas movies until Nicholas fell asleep. However, Nicholas managed to stay awake this Christmas. Maybe it was because he was getting older or maybe it was because the movie he and his mother were watching that interested him more, or maybe it was all the sugar from the cookies, but somehow Nicholas stayed awake. Then right as the clock struck twelve his father came down the chimney dressed as Santa Claus, with a real fur coat, a very long white beard, and a sack of all the toys that Nicholas wanted for Christmas this year. Nicholas was astonished at what was happening.
“My father is Santa Claus? Santa Claus is real? I’m the son of Santa Claus? Am I the next Santa Claus?” Nicholas had so many questions to ask his parents but his father had to go deliver presents to the rest of the world so all the questions would have to be answered in the morning. Nicholas’ parents tucked him into bed and Nicholas fell right asleep. When he woke up the next morning he thought it was all a dream. However, Kris walked in to wake Nicholas up again. Nicholas saw his dad and immediately gave him a huge hug.
He said, “I knew my parents were Santa Claus, but you’re also Santa Claus for everyone else too.” And it all became real, Nicholas was the son of Santa Claus and that wouldn’t change anything, except now Nicholas will always believe in Santa Claus and will someday become Santa Claus too.

The author's comments:
I really love christmas and so i decided to write about something that relates to christmas.

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