family reunion-liam | Teen Ink

family reunion-liam

March 18, 2013
By watever-loser.. BRONZE, Melaka, Other
watever-loser.. BRONZE, Melaka, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If someone hates you, then don't give a crap..

Wow, this year was the awesome year ever for me. I mean I got smoking hot girlfriend, I got my own place to hang out and I kinda doing good in school-which shed my mum into tears cause’ it’s been years since I actually pass. Everything is totally going my way. Well, everything except the fact that I’m totally and elderly broke. I tried everything to keep me away from being broke like breaking up with my girlfriend despite her being smoking hot-and somehow I kinda have the feeling that she’s using me to get back to her ex. But I’m still broke. I couldn’t ask money from my parents without getting away from my munaggingg. I couldn’t from my sister Diana cause’ she’s a b****. And I couldn’t possibly ask money from my younger brother, Luke cause’ that will be the sign of defeat on who’s less pathetic. But there was only one person I could count on. Damien. He’s my eldest-more responsible than Diana-brother. He’s perfect. Damien has always got my back since ever. Like the time, Luke and I broke my cousin, Melrose’s toy train. You can’t really blame us cause’ I’m just five and Luke’s just four. So we thought, we’re off the hook. That’s just we thought until we saw mum’s face. I swear to you guys I seriously saw smoke coming out of her nostrils. The both of us were shivering and Luke almost wet his pants. Then, Damien confessed to mum that he broke the train. We saw mum yelling at Damien and we also saw the look at his face. That night, Luke and I hugged him while crying. Since that, we know he got our backs. Okay, enough with all the sad part. So, it’s been a month since I hang out with Damien and being nice to him but still no progress. The only progress I saw that my brother thinking that I’m a gay trying his brother as an ‘experiment’. Maybe I could just ask him but no I had start the bromance. And when I finally got the guts to do so, my grandfather was in the hospital. Then, I have to take care of him with Damien and Luke. Why can’t my aunt just take care of him? I thought she really wanted to be all angel-like before he’s dead so that he would give all the money to her.-Liam

The author's comments:
another piece for family reunion. I kinda trying something new by the way. I'm trying to write people's thoughts to form a story. This is Damien's younger brother,Liam. Enjoy!

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