A Tree to Remember | Teen Ink

A Tree to Remember

January 8, 2011
By MEhardt SILVER, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
MEhardt SILVER, Oak Ridge, New Jersey
6 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Oh yes the past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn it."

“Wow, would you look at that!” Wade stopped dead in his tracks. Scarlett almost walked right into him. We had just gotten to the end of First Street, when Wade saw the trees that would soon become our Christmas tree. It was the early morning on Christmas Eve and we were just getting our tree. It might sound weird, but our family can hardly find money for food and clothes let alone a Christmas tree. So, every year since I was ten, I would take Wade and Scarlett to get our tree. After twelve o’clock on the 24th all trees become free…If and only if you can catch it. The trees left aren’t that good, but it was just fine for our family.
I walked to where Wade and Scarlett were standing. They were both wide eyed staring at a tree, missing a great amount of needles, however very tall. “It’s at least nine feet tall, bigger than all the others, are you sure you want that one. There are so many other trees to pick from this year.” I said hoping they would not want the tallest tree here.
“This is the tree I want this year. Its prefect and Rose will love it.” Scarlett declared.
“Rose will like any tree and you know it, plus there is no way I’ll be able to catch this one.” I replied. Rose was a year younger than me; she always stayed home with Mama. Being the oldest, I catch the tree by myself and this tree is way too big.
“Walter, please. Wade can help you this year, he’s old enough.” Scarlett stated, Wade was still pointing at the tree, his mouth was open.
“I don’t know” Wade was six this year, but he looked so small standing there. Innocent. Could he really help me caught it? It was worth a try.
“Well, I’m taking it, you can help me or not, but I want this one!” Scarlett said utterly fitted to her choice.
I laughed. “Ok. Ok you win we’ll get the tree.” I said walking to the guy selling the trees. A moment later it was in my arms. With help from Wade we were soon walking down First Street towards home, Scarlett walking quickly behind.
“This tree is going to be the tree to remember.” Wade said happily, smiling real big and proud. He had helped me caught it after all.

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