Punk will never die (chapter 1) | Teen Ink

Punk will never die (chapter 1)

January 8, 2011
By iluvmcr2010 SILVER, Kingston, New York
iluvmcr2010 SILVER, Kingston, New York
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Walking through a trail of dirt, holding hands, thinking this love will last forever. Seeing that love does not comprehend to the fast pased world, cross out love from that sentince. Anyways this is NOT one of those stories on where my girlfriend dumps me and I try to comitte suised. Me being a mocho Punk-rocker and always getting chicks I get girls pretty fast. So lets start on this awesome story from the day my girl left me.

" Josh I have to talk to you" Rose speaks

"What is it?" I look at her wondeful face

" I don't know how to say this" She speaks and starts to cry
"Just say it, no matter what it is." I say to her, rubbing her back
" I..I..I cheated on you!" She screams at me. "I am breaking up with you, good-bye"
Wow I did not see this one coming,I try to grab her and say don't leave but she was already out the door. What did I do to disserve this? I gave her everything she wanted, My sweatshirts, took her out to see concerts. What more could I do?
So I sit down at the computer, hit the log in buttion. Then BAM I see that Roses relationship status is put in Dating Erik Dark, the biggest *mo in town. This is shamfull to my rep. but I wont worry my Mohawk atracts girls like light atracts moths.


This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 13 2011 at 12:40 pm
iluvmcr2010 SILVER, Kingston, New York
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

uhhh why does it keep saying "quote" when I did not write that?