A Minute is a Lifetime | Teen Ink

A Minute is a Lifetime

February 17, 2010
By 1TomBoy SILVER, City, Other
1TomBoy SILVER, City, Other
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
I have a brilliant idea!

I called for my friend in fear and hope but the only answer was the echo of my voice. Wondering through the forest that once seemed magical now seemed like a land full of dread. My voice echoes through the trees once more, My friend’s name travels with the wind but, I get the same response; my own

The legs that once flew me in the air to catch leaves were now shaking like the leaves themselves. My eyes use to be filled with light and wonder, now darkened with terror.

“Why did I turn around?” I cry Falling to my knees in pain and suffering with the guilt and agony. One minute I see her smiling skipping along the dirt trail, I turn my head In reacting to a squirrel scampering along the branches. I turn again and in her place, nothing but the bag she once wore. What I would give for that one minute. For a minute is a lifetime and I want it back.


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