Future of Past | Teen Ink

Future of Past

June 7, 2024
By Anonymous

Would You Rather Be Able To Change The Past Or Future?

I Would rather be able to change the future for a couple reasons because it is generally going to make you better off to put the past behind you and work on yourself and your future. It is also inherently better to learn from your past and your mistakes than going back through them and worrying about them when you have already lived through them. I also think that it's more beneficial to think about your future as you will eventually have to go through and live your future. All of these are great examples of why you should focus more on yourself and your future then spending time to think about your past and how you could change the things that could already happen even though you have already lived through them just fine. Which is why in my opinion you should always be focused on what you can do in the future and try and set yourself up as much as you can already.

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