the void | Teen Ink

the void

September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

It mysteriously appeared one day baffling scientist for years a huge dark chasm erupted five years ago in the middle of california no one knew how and why it showed up but it was a tragic event with casualties in the 100,00s swallowing them no one could see the bottom everything dropped into the hole is lost to the void “hey wanna go to the hole?” jack asked daniel

“What? No! Didn't you hear about that Baxter kid he fell in and was never found!” 

“Pssh what scared youll fall wuss?”

“Am not! It’s just… creepy some kids said they hear screams come from there”

“Yeaaaa right c'mon dude let's go toss things in there”

Jack and Daniel went to the chasm nicknamed “the void” by most kids due to its pitch black mouth “how deep do you think it is” jack asked as he chucked a rock down 

“I don't know deep, nothings ever come back out of there” 

As the two boys rambled and hung out near the void Daniel felt an apprehension something was up he looked into the pit and saw something it was a horror beyond his comprehension unfathomable, vile, despicable, he looked and it look backed frozen in fear and madness his knees buckle falling onto his knees with a swift strike something grabbed jack and flung him into the void as daniel looked defenseless voices started invading his mind chanting and booming words he could not understand a language unknown to man as he laid there something grabbed his ankle firmly pulling him into the void both boys were gone with the last thing they see being a madness inducing horror forever ingrained into their minds.

The end.

The author's comments:

im not a great writer but i really like cosmic horrors so i tried to make something for a sort story as an english assignment

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