Hurt Hands | Teen Ink

Hurt Hands

January 13, 2023
By 4heberlein SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4heberlein SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hands can be loving, hands can be caring, and hands can become fists when hurt. Fists stem from built-up hate and trauma. Fists represent so much more than just a balled-up hand. They represent damage, past damage, and damage to come.

Fists hurt like a thorn stuck in the side. Fists hurt people far and wide. Fists hurt more than we can see. Fists hurt feelings, minds, and emotions. Fists spread like an infection across the world. Blame turns the blame as fists turn open hands closed.

The story told a thousand times: Hurt people, hurt people. It takes open hands, to open hands across the world. Hands are meant for holding, not hurting. Only positivity can save the world from hurt hands.

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