Gold and Silver | Teen Ink

Gold and Silver

December 16, 2022
By Squills SILVER, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
Squills SILVER, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I just let problems sit there, I don't deal with them!" - Me complaining in algebra class

Doesn’t anybody think that it’s bizarre that nobody truly knows what Luck and Chance really are? Some people think they’re just skill and strategy, but that’s wrong. Some people say that they’re the same, but that’s incorrect as well. Luck is a magical concept, flowing through our world like a golden mist. Chance is logical, occupying every crevice and pocket like a silvery stream. Luck has always been and always will be a mystery. Chance is more fathomable. Both are all around us, making the world turn. 

Luck isn’t fond of any ordinary places; Luck chooses the oddities of our world. A four-leafed clover. A shooting star. A little charm unlike any other in the world. It chooses the things that you see and think “well, that’s different.” Luck is not ordinary. It collects itself in some things. Although it also avoids or even deplores some things. A black cat crossing your path. Walking under a ladder. A cracked mirror. Luck dislikes these, and therefore leaves an imprint of disapproval. Bad Luck. Why it does this, nobody quite knows. Perhaps the actions and items are too common for the liking of Luck. Black cats are everywhere.  Mirrors are so delicate they’re almost meant to shatter. Ladders are no rarity.

Some people call upon Luck for help. Sometimes Luck will respond, blessing the person. Other times, Luck will ignore or oppose the calling. Again, Luck loves the weird little things in life. If somebody is in a unique situation, Luck is more likely to give its blessing. If it’s something that Luck sees all the time, it might not be so merciful. A gambler who attempts to summon Luck will most likely be cursed with Bad Luck instead of blessed with Good Luck. However, somebody who really needs Luck on their side to do good for themself and others will be more likely to get Luck. Somebody so desperate to do good isn’t something that Luck sees everyday. 

Luck has a sibling, Chance. Some people will say that Chance and Luck are the same thing, but that isn’t true. Unlike the golden aura of Luck, Chance is the silver sibling. Chance is a stream of logic and statistics. Chance and Luck are quite the opposites, with Luck choosing what to bless with order and care and thought. Chance chooses things at random, basing the probability of something happening on rationality. Chance doesn’t care about oddities or neediness. Chance is orderly, but at the same time, they are unorderly. 

Chance is the entity that makes the objects that Luck loves possible. It’s by Chance that a clover grew an extra leaf. By Chance that a comet can be seen in the sky. By chance that you found that little wooden charm. Chance helps Luck, and the two of them work together to make everything in life happen. The Chance of you meeting your soulmate at the supermarket is slim, but with Luck it can happen. The Chance of a bad sports team winning isn’t very good, but with Luck they can do it. It’s also because of Chance that your foot caught on the stairs, and Bad Luck that you tripped. Luck and Chance fly through this world, still full mystery and wonder. Nobody knows why they do what they do, but as long as the world keeps turning, does it really matter?

The author's comments:

Random midnight thought turned weird essay thing, enjoy

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