The Forest | Teen Ink

The Forest

November 8, 2022
By Anonymous

The forest stretched out around her, so welcoming and familiar. The leaves and branches reached out towards her as she passed, some old and fading, some new and vibrant. Dark leaves and gnarled branches littered the forest, yet she knew she was strong enough to get past them. Animals peered out through the foliage, many leaving for new forests or only passing through, but many there to stay. Birds chirped, rivers rippled, and the air was crisp and clean. The girl knew that beyond the beauty were poisonous snakes and sly foxes, but for now, they weren’t bothering her. She loved the forest, although it had taken her on some unexpected twists and turns. She would have been happy to stay forever, but it would be time to go soon, and she knew it. 

The forest opened out before her, to a landscape of mountains and valleys. She stopped at the edge of the first mountain, looking back. The forest beckoned to her, her heart aching at the fact that she could never return, at least not in the way she wanted to. The plants and animals seemed to be holding their breath, waiting, seeing what she would do. Then, while some animals stayed behind, others walked up to her. Leaves and branches swirled around her. 

“Go on. We’ll be here.” They urged, following her as she made her first uncertain steps up the mountain. Peace washed over her as she began to climb. The mountains would be difficult, but beyond them lay the valleys. Although she could never return to the forest, a part of it would always be with her, in the form of the animals walking beside her and the leaves floating around her. Behind her, the forest sprawled out, the fields, the hills, the deserts, a reminder of the time that had passed, and the time that hadn’t.

She loved the forest, but she would let it go.

And it would let her go too. 

The author's comments:

This is a set piece that describes the feelings the main character has while transitioning to a new chapter in life. In this set piece, I mostly focused on imagery and symbolism for literary devices. The forest represents a period of time in the character’s life that she would be leaving. The plants represent the memories that she made, and the animals represent the people that she knew. There are several kinds of plants and animals, including dark leaves and dangerous animals, representing that not all memories are happy, and not all people have good intentions. The mountains represent challenges that she would have to face. When she left the forest, some of it stayed behind, but other parts went with her, representing that just because you are starting a new chapter in life, doesn’t mean that you have to leave behind all the memories and friends you made along the way. My favorite part of the story is the beginning and the image it creates. 

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