The Tree | Teen Ink

The Tree

November 6, 2022
By NeilKosalge BRONZE, Cupertino, California
NeilKosalge BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The tree stood there. Its leaves flowed, and its branches swayed, the wind unrelentless. The tree was tired. It watched as the birds, the animals moved from place to place, never forced to stay. The freedom they had was unrestricted, something that the tree wished it had too. The tree longed to fly like the birds. It longed to climb like the monkeys. It longed to run like the squirrels. It longed to be free.

But, it’s wish was impossible. It was doomed to stay in the same place for the rest of its days, wishing for the impossible. 

The tree saw a funnel, reaching from the heavens to the ground. When it moved, everything around it was ravaged. It was a merciless machine made to kill. It raged on, moving slowly in the direction of the tree. The tree thought that the heavens finally wanted to kill him, to end his suffering. To end its life of longing. 

When the funnel reached it, the tree was yanked from the clutches of the earth. Its roots destroyed, its trunk split. It tried to resist, to hold on to the little bit of life it had. It was thrown into the air, into the direction of the funnel. It was flying! It was free! The heavens had finally granted the tree’s wish. It knew that these were its final moments, but it didn’t care. It’s only, and final wish had been fulfilled. 

The author's comments:

For this piece, I played around with personification and repetition. You can see I did repetition at the start of the story, showing what the tree longed for. I used the tree to play around with personification.

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