Nightmare Forest | Teen Ink

Nightmare Forest

October 12, 2022
By JillyBean18 BRONZE, Ada, Oklahoma
JillyBean18 BRONZE, Ada, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m running through the forest near my house. The context for why I’m running away from home is because I, aka Sam, got into a very heated argument about my girlfriend with my mother. I didn't want to deal with the aftermath of her, so I decided to run. It was raining heavily, while I’m crying and trying to not slip on the wet ground. My head is filled with thoughts. Thoughts like: “Does my mom hate me now?”, “I should have never told her”, and “What if she doesn't care that I ran away?” 

I look around as I run. I'm very far away from my house. Everything starts to look. Weird… Like unfamiliar, and I’ve been in this forest a lot. Overthinking everything that has happened. I didn't notice my surroundings nor the ground. I trip on a tree root and fall directly on my head.
After everything was dark, I woke up in the mud. It’s hard for me to breathe. I can feel myself breathing very heavily. My thoughts racing. “How long have I been out?” I was thinking to myself. I tried to push myself up. It was difficult trying not to fall back on my face. When I started to stand up I had  a realization that I was under a weird, weird type of tree. The tree looks old yet surprisingly full of life. In the distance I notice a cabin as well. I start to walk towards it, not noticing the path disappearing slowly behind me.. I hear a snap behind me. I quickly turn around thinking it is an animal but no. It was an old friend of mine. From a long, long time ago..  The friend starts walking closer, and closer towards me. I move away from him, but a grin forms on his face. I’m starting to become scared of what's happening.
“J-Jay? Why are you h-here? I thought-.”

“Thought I was what? Gone? Moved away? Out of your life?” Jay said to me, interrupting me. I try to move backwards but i trip on another stupid tree root! I looked up as soon as I fully fell and he’s glaring at me… There's no light in his eyes. Then he opens his mouth. 

“Do you not remember what you did?” he says to me. 


He stomps at me. “Don't give me excuses, Sam!” he yells. “Tell me the truth, Sam. Do you remember?!” he shouts. My eyes widen. I feel like I’m about to cry. 

“I- I don’t want to remember,” I say. 

He starts giggling. Then the giggling goes into a loud chuckle. 


I- I can’t move. I need to leave. I get up and try to run as fast as I can but.. I’m not moving. I turn around and see him just staring at me. I look down and see him grabbing my arm. I know he's talking to me but.. I don't want to listen. I feel stuck. I feel frozen with fear.
While I gripped his arm, I pulled it off of my arm, kicked him, and I started to run. Run as fast as I can. I can feel it start to rain again while I was running. Raindrops falling against my face. I see something in the distance. Is that? I stop. That's a… Child?

 “Hi!” the child says to me. She looks… A bit like me? In a way? Her hair is a sandy blond, her dress is dirty and ripped, her knees and nose are red like a cherry covered in bandages and her eyes.. Her eyes are pitch black?! 

“Our friend Jay? You were just running away from him, right?” She says to me with a serious yet playful tone. 

“Y-yeah, I was. How did–?” I say before she interrupts me. 

“How did I know? Well, I watched the whole thing. But that doesn't matter now. You need to get away from him. It isn't safe. He’s just going to remind you of things we did in the past when mostly it was all his fault,” he says. 

“Yeah but-” I stop. I’m.. Losing my vision. I can feel someone. Holding by my throat and mouth.. Everything has gone dark again. 

I feel myself waking up again. I’m inside a house of some kind. Maybe it's the cabin I saw earlier. I look around and then I see him. He’s just sitting there… Staring at me.
I look over and see Lilly, next to him. Her eyes are just blank. No light in her eyes. She looks angry at me? Sad? I can’t even tell. She has. No emotion. I’m worried on what's happening. I need. I need to get out of here now. I try to get up to leave. I move my arms and legs trying to get up and out of this weird bed. I finally break loose. I'm running but I'm not moving. I think to myself “not this again”. I look behind me and see something weird grabbing my arm. It looks like a trumpet vine that sometimes hugs onto trees. I rip it off of me and start dashing out of the room. I bang the door open, full force, leaving my arm very sore. Finally feeling the night cool air. I run as fast as I possibly can. The ground beneath me is very slippery but I'm able to not fall this time. I see something. $#*T!  I stop as fast as I can, there's a cliff right in front of me! I hold my balance.
I catch myself before the harsh wind tries to push me down.  I take a peek to see how steep the cliff is. I didn’t realize how steep it would be.. 

“SAM!” someone shouted behind me.

I turn around to see the kid again. S-she’s crying. 

“Why do you always run away?” she said to me. “What? You told me to run away from him! Was I supposed to confront him?”  I say to her,
“It was a test Sam, a mental test to see if you would try and confront your problems. Especially from OUR childhood!” She shouts. 

“I DO NOT run away from my problems.” I say, she then comes closer towards me. 

“Then how do you explain the fight with your mom? When Jay was in trouble? How about the time where you completely ditched everyone just because it was your fault that Jay had to leave?” She says as she gets closer to me. 

“I-It was all in the past! I’m a better person now!” I shout while I try to back away from her. I realize I can’t back away any further. I’m stuck. 

“If you’re SUCH a better person now, then why do you still choose to run away?” She says as she gets even more closer to me. 

“I…,” I say.  I look down. I feel… Ashamed. I look back up and see her running towards me with her arms up, like she was going to push me?  OH GOD- SHES ACTUALLY-  I try to move away but I’m too late. I could feel the ground slip away from my feet. Seeing her looking down at me. I lift my arms and try to grab the vines off the edge but they’re too slick. I’m.. I’m falling. The air. It feels cool as I fall. I can see the rain from a perspective I have never seen before. This is nice. It's dark, cool and I can feel raindrops hit my face and run down. It feels very.. Calming. Everything feels slow. The rain falling down on me feels nice. The trees I see in the distance on the surface below me, they dance slowly with the wind. As I fall. It feels like I’m falling in slow motion. I close my eyes. I let the wind take me.
Then I woke up. In my bed. In my house. It was just a nightmare. I look to my nightstand and see a note apologizing to me. “Hey sweetie. You were asleep and I didn’t want to wake you, but I'm very sorry about tonight. I just had a rough day and I took it out on you. I promise it won't ever happen again. I’ll always accept you. I’m sorry.”
Everything is ok now.
              But.. I still feel uneasy about Jay. How was he in my dream if he's dead?..

The author's comments:

My name is Jilly Smith, and I am a ninth-grade student at Ada Junior High. I love creating art and writing stories, and I wrote this as an English assignment. This story includes: A teen who is going through problems with her mother, denying that she doesn't run from her problems, and remembrance of the past. 

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