Alone on the Hook | Teen Ink

Alone on the Hook

March 14, 2019
By ekeenster BRONZE, St Peters, Missouri
ekeenster BRONZE, St Peters, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There I sit. Waiting to be picked up, so I can protect you. Sometimes you forget that I am even there, but I just want to help and shield you. I will protect you from the staines and smudges of life. I will protect you from the bullies and I will protect you from the toxic thoughts that choose to attack you. They will try to tear you down and break your confidence, but they will fail when I am here. For I am your little apron, alone on the hook.

I take many different forms. Some parts are colorful and lively, like a field of flowers or a rainbow. They are sure to bring you joy and happiness. Some parts are are elegant and serious, like a black cat or a more sophisticated design. They will make you think. And some even have silly, bubbly jokes, to help you forget the world and laugh a little. But I am more than just for show, I have a story to tell, hidden behind each of my designs.

I get messy sometimes. Sometimes you are the reason I am such a mess. But there are many other culprits. I have so many different stains and more are added everyday. High school drama falls like tomato soup on my crisp, clean fabric. Arguments with friends tear through me more and more every time. Disappointing my parents, dealing with anxiety, homework piling up, all add more and more staines until I am just a dirty torn up rag. I don’t even look like myself anymore. Broken is what I am.

You always forget about me. And when you do remember, you don’t appreciate me. You don’t seem to understand what I do for you. You don’t seem to understand that I’m always there for you, and you take advantage of that. You don’t get it. How can you forget about me? I’m just sitting here alone on the hook.

But throughout all the messiness, tears, and abandonment, I stay. I will never leave your side. The rips and blemishes make me stronger. They make me grow. I am a stronger apron because of all the pain and disappointment. I have learned and I have persevered. I am your apron and I will always be there for you.

The author's comments:

The goal for this assignment was to choose any item or idea with little significance, and compare it to yourself. I chose an apron. I'm not sure why I was drawn to use an apron, I just thought I'd be able to get a lot of comparisons out of it. I jotted down some characteristics of an apron, and tried to figure  out how I could compare those to myself as a person. After making simple comparisons, I was able to extend those metaphors, and add some imagery and voice to it. 

I'm very proud of this piece, I think it says a lot about me as a person and helps me understand myself better.

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