hamster therapy | Teen Ink

hamster therapy

May 15, 2018
By Anonymous

Hamster therapy

My name is Steve. And my best friends name is Daniel we have been best friends since we were little kids. So, it was a Saturday morning I wake up shower get dressed and I grab my phone and text Daniel, I ask if he wants to come over and hangout. He responds and says sure I’ll be over in a minute. After a minute or so I hear the doorbell, ring I go down the stairs and I open the door Daniel says hey I say hey then he comes into my room and I ask him what do you want to do he says do you want to play fortnite. I say yeah sure let’s do it we play for an hour or two then I said are you hungry and Daniel replied starving he says let’s ride to town and get subway or somethings I say ok we go to my garage to get my bike while Daniel runs to his house to get his we meet at the end of the culdesac and then we head for subway we stop at the light and wait for the sign to change so that we can walk across the street the light changes and we start to walk Daniel heads out to the street first and a car was running a red light and hit him directly he went flying 30 feet farther into the street I immediately call the police a couple of minutes later and ambulance with Daniels parents in it come and go straight to the hospital I ride my bike home as fast as I can I come flying through the front door yelling mom! MOM!! Then my mom said what I explained to her what had happened then the next thing I know I’m in the car with my mom driving to the hospital once my mom parks the car I jump out and sprint inside the hospital go to the secretary in the front and ask her what room Daniel is in she says third floor first one on the left I don’t even take the elevator I just sprint up the stairs to the third floor and turn and go to the one on the left I go in gasping for air way out of breathe and I see Daniel’s parents crying in the room that Daniel was sleeping in I ask if Daniel is going to be ok his mom said that he will be fine but he won’t be able to walk again without a cane or a walker then they said Daniel should have some space and I left by the time I got home I just laid in bed then I eventually fell asleep he woke up to his phone vibrating it was Daniel who said the doctor he said the body was healing faster than he thought and wanted to try hamster therapy I said what’s that its where you can walk better if it works I’ll be ok I said that’s great then I thought being a hamster could cure that  and after two years Daniel made a full recovery and can walk and run.


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