Trapped Outside The World | Teen Ink

Trapped Outside The World

June 1, 2016
By brendenhoffland BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
brendenhoffland BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
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Jerrod and Bryon were sitting on the couch watching tv, and Jerrod came up with the idea of going on a 1 week long boat trip to Greenland. Bryon was all about the boat trip idea. Jerrod wanted to go on the boat trip as soon as possible, and so did Bryon. The next weekend they set sail to Greenland.
Sailing on the first day was horrific. Neither of them had much experience sailing on the ocean. They kept messing up all day long. On the second day, they were getting the hang of all of the things that they had to do to maintain the boat. The third day was way better than the first day. Jerrod and Bryon got the hang of all of the responsibilities on the boat. They didn't get much sleep for the first couple of days, but when they finally got the hang of it they started to sleep more, feeling more comfortable. But on the fourth day something awful happened.
They were woken up to a huge thud on the main deck. Jerrod went to go see what was going on while he let Bryon sleep more. The boat took a curly turn to the worst. Jerrod stepped onto the main deck to see that their was water flushing onto the boat, and that the boat was going down. He went to go wake up Bryon.
Barely awake Bryon yelled, “What the hell is going on?”
“The ship is going down, get all of the supplies that you can, and meet me back here in five minutes,” said Jerrod.
They got the safety raft into the water. They got all of the supplies that they could. They then hit the raft just in time.The boat sunk into the depths of the ocean.
They got on the raft just in time as they watched the boat sink. They were both scared out of their minds on how were they going to get back home. Day one on the raft was boring. All they could do is sit there and hope that someone would come by. On day three they ran out of food. They started to starve. They started to starve fast. When they thought that nothing could go any worse, they saw a big fin sticking out of the water circling their small safety raft.
It was a big scary shark, who was a water predator who roams the dangerous waters in search of food. But they both had something in common, Jerrod and Bryon were hungry, and so was that shark. It was survival of the fittest. They were frantically looking for something that they could scare away the shark. Jerrod they said that they need to kill it somehow for the food. Bryon then remembered that in all safety rafts there were safety bags on the rafts. When they found the bag they looked through it thoroughly. They found some oil, a flare gun, some water, a tent, a flashlight, a lighter, and a poncho. They both knew that they could kill the shark with the flare gun somehow. They only had two bullets to spare, and they needed one just in case of an emergency. So they only had one bullet for use. When the shark came up to attack Jerrod, Bryon shot the shark with the flare gun right down its throat. The shark died after about 5 minutes, and they were victorious.
What they didn’t know, however, is that there was two sharks there not just one. They couldn’t waste another flare on the other shark. They just had to wait out the shark, or so they thought. They couldn’t wait for the other shark to go way because they were starving, and they needed the food now. They both put their feet in the water and started paddling their feet really fast. They thought that was going to work, but it didn’t. They found out the sharks pattern. Every 5th time around the raft, the shark would come up above the surface for a second. They both watched a couple times to make sure that it was the sharks pattern. It was, and then they attacked. When the shark came up, they both stabbed one of their fingers in each of the shark’s eyes. The shark was blinded. Then Jerrod started beating the shark with the flashlight. He was just going to town on the shark, while Bryon was punching the shark in the head with his fists. Almost 3 minutes later, the shark was as dead as a doorknob.
After they killed the sharks, they were trying to figure out a way to cook them. They didn't want to get salmonella from eating the sharks raw. They figured out that they could make a fire on top of the water with the oil that they got from the safety bag. They then looked frantically for the oil. When they found it, they had to pour a little out onto the water, and light the oil with a lighter that they had gotten from the safety bag on the raft. They then lit the fire on top of the water and started cooking the shark meat. They said that it tasted even better than chicken. They were then full, and had about 3-4 days of shark meat leftover.
They were still stranded out there in the ocean. Then suddenly an airplane came over head them. They both got up screaming at the plane. Then they remembered that they had a flare gun with one flare with. They got out the flare gun and shot the flare, but the flare went behind the plane. The plane didn't see the flare, and it kept on going. Now they were stranded out there with no flare for their flare gun. They both sat back down on the raft ashamed that the plane didn't see them. They knew that they were both going to make it home and see their families again.
It was four days later, and they were running out of shark meat. They both just sat on the raft, waiting for another plane to come by and rescue them. When they thought that they were all out of luck, another plane came by and it was a water landing plane. They both were screaming and flashing bright orange around. The plane started to come lower onto the water. Jerrod and Bryon were so happy that they were going to finally go home and see their families. When they got onto the plane, the pilot gave them both food and water. Then they were on their way home.
When Jerrod got home he silently opened the door and yelled, “I’m home!”
Jerrod’s wife came to the front door and gave him the biggest hug there could ever be. His kids also came down to where they were and gave him huge hugs.
His children said, “We missed you so much daddy. You better not ever go on a boat trip again!”
“Don't worry, I will never lose you guys again.” He said as they all hugged each other again. Jerrod got home just in time for dinner. He was telling his family what happened when he got a bad memory from the trip. He then asked to be excused and went up to his room to get ready for bed. As he was doing that Bryon was just getting home, and he was excited to see his family.
Bryon was standing at his doorstep wondering what his family was going to say when he walked in. When he walked in, something magical happened.His family was standing there waiting for him to enter his house. It's like they knew that he was going to be home. He asked them how they knew that he was going to be home. His family said that Jerrod had called them. Bryon then began to smile and laugh. He gave his whole family a huge hug and got ready for dinner as well.
They both made it home safely, and they also became even better friends than they were before. They ate together, they worked together, they slept together, and they countered the ocean wonders together. When they got back, they both admitted that the boat ride was fun until then boat crashed. They both learned something valuable for those weeks. Do whatever you have to do to survive.

The author's comments:

In the middle of the ocean.


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