The Camp | Teen Ink

The Camp

October 21, 2015
By Anonymous

One day I woke up in the middle of a war. My name was Sam I thought to myself.                                                               
I had three sisters and one brother. there names were Allie Jazz Hannah and John.  My brother was in the war as a spy but I was not in the war. Was i captured and brainwashed by the enemy. How did they know that I was his brother? Was one of my friends a russian spy? I had so many thoughts going throught my mind.
A gaurd came by and started talking russian and i took classes for russian. So i understood him he said and said
”If you can understand me I was told to help you throught the mimory loss.”
“WHO ARE YOU?” I screamed.I was trying to draw attion over here so I could get out of this place. I heard gunshoots and looked out the windo blood, guts, and brains were everywere. It was the firing squad.I knew I was not in America I heard laughing then more gun shots.

“SHHHHH! I’m your brother.Stay quiet or they will shoot you up.”

“JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!” i said quitly.“ Were are we?” i asked.

“We are in Russia my sister. I have to go.” “bye.”

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